Static Propertyswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoBuiltins->Mongo
Mongo.BucketEncoder.swift:31static var frame: BSON.DocumentFrame { get }
static var frame: BSON.DocumentFrame { get }
What are these?
FNV24: [4XOB8]
import MongoBuiltins
import Mongo
A single-type module that declares the Mongo
@frozen struct BucketEncoder
enum Mongo
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen enum DocumentFrame
Specifies the interpretation of a length header attached to a document
, or a list
init(_ output: consuming BSON.Output)
subscript(key: Output) -> Mongo.BucketOutputDocument? { get set }
subscript<Encodable>(key: Argument) -> Encodable? where Encodable : BSONEncodable { get set }
subscript<Encodable>(key: Mongo.GroupBy) -> Encodable? where Encodable : BSONEncodable { get set }
subscript(key: Mongo.GroupBy, yield: (inout Mongo.ExpressionEncoder) -> ()) -> Void { mutating get }
consuming func move() -> BSON.Output
@frozen enum Argument
@frozen enum Output