Instance Methodswift-mongodb 0.27.0BSONABI
BSON.FieldEncoder.swift:53mutating func encode(millisecond: UnixMillisecond)
Other members in extension
Type members
Instance members
let key: Key
var output: BSON.Output
subscript<Encoder>(as: Encoder.Type
) -> Encoder Writes the stored type code and
to the output buffer, temporarily rebinds the output’s storage buffer to an encoder of the specified type, and brackets any newly-written bytes with the appropriate headers or trailers.func encode(binary: BSON.BinaryView<some RandomAccessCollection<UInt8>>
) func encode(bool: Bool
) func encode(decimal128: BSON.Decimal128
) func encode(document: BSON.Document
) func encode(double: Double
) func encode(id: BSON.Identifier
) func encode(int32: Int32
) func encode(int64: Int64
) func encode(javascript: BSON.UTF8View<some BidirectionalCollection<UInt8>>
) func encode(list: BSON.List
) func encode(max: BSON.Max
) func encode(min: BSON.Min
) func encode(null: BSON.Null
) func encode(regex: BSON.Regex
) func encode(string: BSON.UTF8View<some BidirectionalCollection<UInt8>>
) func encode(timestamp: BSON.Timestamp