Enumeration Caseswift-mongodb 0.27.0BSONABI
An explicit null.
BSON.AnyValue.swift:42case null
Other cases
case document(BSON.Document)
A general embedded document.
case list(BSON.List)
An embedded list-document.
case binary(BSON.BinaryView<ArraySlice<UInt8>>)
A binary array.
case bool(Bool)
A boolean.
case decimal128(BSON.Decimal128)
case double(Double)
A double-precision float.
case id(BSON.Identifier)
A MongoDB object reference.
case int32(Int32)
A 32-bit signed integer.
case int64(Int64)
A 64-bit signed integer.
case javascript(BSON.UTF8View<ArraySlice<UInt8>>)
Javascript code. The payload is a library type to permit efficient document traversal.
case javascriptScope(BSON.Document, BSON.UTF8View<ArraySlice<UInt8>>)
A javascript scope containing code. This variant is maintained for backward-compatibility with older versions of BSON and should not be generated. (Prefer
.)case max
The MongoDB max-key.
case millisecond(UnixMillisecond)
UTC milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
case min
The MongoDB min-key.
case pointer(BSON.UTF8View<ArraySlice<UInt8>>, BSON.Identifier)
A MongoDB database pointer. This variant is maintained for backward-compatibility with older versions of BSON and should not be generated. (Prefer
.)case regex(BSON.Regex)
A regex.
case string(BSON.UTF8View<ArraySlice<UInt8>>)
A UTF-8 string, possibly containing invalid code units. The payload is a library type to permit efficient document traversal.
case timestamp(BSON.Timestamp)
A 64-bit unsigned integer.