Structureswift-ip 0.3.0IPinfo
IPinfo.ASNRange.swift:8@frozen struct ASNRange
@frozen struct ASNRange
import IPinfo
@frozen enum IPinfo
The namespace for IPinfo types.
@frozen struct CountryRange
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
protocol JSONDecodable
A type that can be decoded from a JSON variant value.
protocol JSONEncodable
protocol JSONObjectDecodable<CodingKey> : JSONDecodable
A type that can be decoded from a JSON dictionary-decoder.
protocol JSONObjectEncodable<CodingKey> : JSONEncodable
protocol Sendable
init(first: IP.V6, last: IP.V6, asn: IP.ASN, name: String, domain: String)
init(json: JSON.ObjectDecoder<CodingKey>) throws
let asn: IP.ASN
let domain: String
let first: IP.V6
let last: IP.V6
let name: String
func encode(to json: inout JSON.ObjectEncoder<CodingKey>)
@frozen enum CodingKey
init(json: JSON.Node) throws
init(json: JSON.Object) throws