Enumeration Caseswift-ip 0.3.0Firewalls->IP
IP.Firewall.Image.swift:170case country_v4_colors
case country_v4_colors
What are these?65X4U
import Firewalls
import IP
This Foundation-free module provides tools for parsing and formatting IP addresses, and data structures for performing efficient IP address lookups.
@frozen enum CodingKey
@frozen enum IP
The namespace for IP types.
@frozen struct Firewall
@frozen struct Image
The data used to construct IP.Firewall
case autonomousSystems
case asn_v4_ranges
case asn_v4_colors
case asn_v6_ranges
case asn_v6_colors
case country_v4_ranges
case country_v6_ranges
case country_v6_colors
case claimant_v4_ranges
case claimant_v4_colors
case claimant_v6_ranges
case claimant_v6_colors
case claimants