Operatorswift-hash 0.7.1InlineBuffer
InlineBuffer.swift:40static func == (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
static func == (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
where Storage:Sendable
import InlineBuffer
@frozen struct InlineBuffer<Storage> where Storage : Sendable
@frozen struct Bool
A value type whose instances are either true
or false
protocol Sendable
init?<String>(_ description: String) where String : StringProtocol
Parses a string of hexadecimal digits into an inline buffer. Returns nil if the input string does not contain exactly MemoryLayout<Storage>.size * 2
ASCII hex digits. The input string must not begin with 0x
, or contain any non-digit characters at all.
init(integerLiteral: StaticBigInt)
static func copy(from bytes: some RandomAccessCollection<UInt8>) -> `Self`?
Load an instance of this buffer type from little-endian binary data. Returns nil if the input does not contain exactly MemoryLayout<Storage>.size
var description: String { get }
Prints the bytes of this inline buffer in the order they appear in memory. The first pair of hex digits in the returned string represent the first byte in this buffer.
var endIndex: Int { get }
var startIndex: Int { get }
subscript(index: Int) -> UInt8 { get set }
static func < (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)