Static Methodswift-crypto 3.8.0_CryptoExtras->Crypto
Authenticates and decrypts data using AES-GCM-SIV.
AES_GCM_SIV.swift:77static func open(_ sealedBox: SealedBox, using key: SymmetricKey) throws -> Data
The ciphertext if opening was successful
CipherError errors. If the authentication of the sealed box failed, incorrectTag is thrown.
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static func open<AuthenticatedData>(SealedBox, using: SymmetricKey, authenticating: AuthenticatedData
) throws -> Data Authenticates and decrypts data using AES-GCM-SIV.
static func seal<Plaintext>(Plaintext, using: SymmetricKey, nonce: Nonce?
) throws -> SealedBox Encrypts and authenticates data using AES-GCM-SIV.
static func seal<Plaintext, AuthenticatedData>(Plaintext, using: SymmetricKey, nonce: Nonce?, authenticating: AuthenticatedData
) throws -> SealedBox Encrypts and authenticates data using AES-GCM-SIV.