Initializerswift-crypto 3.8.0_CryptoExtras
Construct an RSA public key from a PEM representation.
RSA+BlindSigning.swift:60init(unsafePEMRepresentation pemRepresentation: String, parameters: Parameters = .RSABSSA_SHA384_PSS_Randomized) throws
This constructor supports key sizes of 1024 bits or more. Users should validate that key sizes are appropriate for their use-case.
Other members in extension
Type members
init<Bytes>(derRepresentation: Bytes, parameters: Parameters
) throws Construct an RSA public key from a DER representation.
init(n: some ContiguousBytes, e: some ContiguousBytes, parameters: Parameters
) throws Construct a RSA public key with the specified parameters.
init(pemRepresentation: String, parameters: Parameters
) throws Construct an RSA public key from a PEM representation.
init<Bytes>(unsafeDERRepresentation: Bytes, parameters: Parameters
) throws Construct an RSA public key from a DER representation.