Static Methodswift-cloud 0.31.0CloudCore
Strings.swift:47static func joined(_ input: [any Input<String>], separator: any Input<String>) -> Output<String>
static func joined(_ input: [any Input<String>], separator: any Input<String>) -> Output<String>
What are these?7572I
import CloudCore
enum Strings
protocol Input<ValueType> : CustomStringConvertible, Encodable, Sendable
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Output<T>
static func joined(_ input: Output<[String]>, separator: any Input<String>) -> Output<String>
static func regexReplace(_ input: any Input<String>, pattern: any Input<String>, with value: any Input<String>) -> Output<Replacement>
static func replace(_ input: any Input<String>, pattern: any Input<String>, with value: any Input<String>) -> Output<Replacement>
static func select(_ input: Output<[String]>, index: Int) -> Output<String>
static func select(_ input: [any Input<String>], index: Int) -> Output<String>
static func split(_ input: any Input<String>, pattern: any Input<String>) -> Output<[String]>
static func trimPrefix(_ input: any Input<String>, prefix: any Input<String>) -> Output<Trimmed>
static func trimSuffix(_ input: any Input<String>, suffix: any Input<String>) -> Output<Trimmed>
struct RegexReplacement
struct Replacement
struct Trimmed