Initializerswift-cloud 0.24.0CloudCore
SotoS3Types.swift:9337init(partitionedPrefix: PartitionedPrefix? = nil, simplePrefix: SimplePrefix? = nil)
init(partitionedPrefix: PartitionedPrefix? = nil, simplePrefix: SimplePrefix? = nil)
What are these?7UYDJ
import CloudCore
struct TargetObjectKeyFormat
struct S3
Service object for interacting with AWS S3 service.
struct PartitionedPrefix
struct SimplePrefix
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
let partitionedPrefix: PartitionedPrefix?
Partitioned S3 key for log objects.
let simplePrefix: SimplePrefix?
To use the simple format for S3 keys for log objects. To specify SimplePrefix format, set SimplePrefix to {}.