Instance Propertyswift-cloud 0.24.0CloudCore
Linkable.swift:58var policy: AnyEncodable { get }
var policy: AnyEncodable { get }
import CloudCore
protocol Linkable
@frozen struct AnyEncodable
A type-erased Encodable
var actions: [String] { get }
var effect: String { get }
var environmentVariables: [String : any Input<String>] { get }
var properties: LinkProperties? { get }
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ provider: any RoleProvider) -> Self
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ providers: any RoleProvider...) -> Self
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ providers: [any RoleProvider]) -> Self
@discardableResult func linked() -> Self
Links the current resource to the current context, ensuring it is written to the CloudSDK resources.