Structureswift-cloud 0.24.0CloudAWS
Topic.swift:4struct Topic
struct Topic
import CloudAWS
enum AWS
static func getARN(_ resource: any AWSResourceProvider) -> Output<GetARN>
static func getSubnet(_ id: any Input<String>) -> Output<GetSubnet>
struct AutoScaling
struct Bucket
struct CDN
struct Cache
enum Cloudfront
struct Cluster
struct Cron
struct DNS
struct DNSRecord
struct DockerImage
struct DynamoDB
struct ExpressBucket
struct Function
struct GetARN
struct GetSubnet
struct ImageRepository
struct Provider
struct Queue
struct Role
enum Route53
enum SES
struct SQLDatabase
struct SecureDomainName
struct SecurityGroup
struct TLSCertificate
struct VPC
struct WebServer
protocol AWSComponent : Component
protocol Component : Sendable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
protocol Linkable
protocol Sendable
init(_ name: String, fifo: Bool = false, options: Resource.Options? = nil)
var actions: [String] { get }
var name: Output<String> { get }
var properties: LinkProperties? { get }
var resources: [Output<String>] { get }
let topic: Resource
@discardableResult func subscribe(_ queue: AWS.Queue) -> AWS.Topic
@discardableResult func subscribe(_ function: AWS.Function) -> AWS.Topic
var effect: String { get }
var environmentVariables: [String : any Input<String>] { get }
var policy: AnyEncodable { get }
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ provider: any RoleProvider) -> Self
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ providers: any RoleProvider...) -> Self
@discardableResult func linkTo(_ providers: [any RoleProvider]) -> Self
@discardableResult func linked() -> Self
Links the current resource to the current context, ensuring it is written to the CloudSDK resources.