Enumerationswift-cloud 0.31.0CloudAWS
Cache.swift:86enum ValkeyVersion
enum ValkeyVersion
import CloudAWS
struct Cache
enum AWS
case v8
case v7
init(_ name: String, engine: Engine = .valkey(), vpc: VPC.Configuration, options: Resource.Options? = nil)
var actions: [String] { get }
let cache: Resource
let engine: Engine
var hostname: Output<String> { get }
var name: Output<String> { get }
var port: Output<String> { get }
var properties: LinkProperties? { get }
var resources: [Output<String>] { get }
var url: Output<String> { get }
enum Engine
enum MemcachedVersion
enum RedisVersion
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol Sendable
init?(rawValue: String)
var hashValue: Int { get }
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)