Initializerswift-bson 0.3.1BSONEncoding->Swift
Optional (ext).swift:23init(with populate: (inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<BSON.Key>) throws -> ()) rethrows
init(with populate: (inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<BSON.Key>) throws -> ()) rethrows
What are these?5XDEC
where Wrapped == BSON.Document
import BSONEncoding
import Swift
@frozen enum Optional<Wrapped> where Wrapped : ~Copyable
A type that represents either a wrapped value or the absence of a value.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen struct DocumentEncoder<CodingKey> where CodingKey : RawRepresentable, CodingKey.RawValue == String
@frozen struct Key
A BSON field key. This type wraps a rawValue
that is guaranteed to never contain null bytes. (Null bytes in a BSON field key can be exploited to perform SQL injection.)
@frozen struct Document
The Document
type models the “universal” BSON DSL.
init<CodingKey>(_: CodingKey.Type = CodingKey.self, with populate: (inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>) throws -> ()) rethrows where CodingKey : RawRepresentable, CodingKey.RawValue == String