Instance Methodswift-bson 0.3.1BSON->Swift
ClosedRange (ext).swift:18func encode(to bson: inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>)
func encode(to bson: inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>)
What are these?22H7R
where Bound:BSONEncodable, Bound:Comparable
import BSON
An umbrella module providing a BSON parser, encoder, and decoder.
import Swift
@frozen struct ClosedRange<Bound> where Bound : Comparable
An interval from a lower bound up to, and including, an upper bound.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen struct DocumentEncoder<CodingKey> where CodingKey : RawRepresentable, CodingKey.RawValue == String
@frozen enum CodingKey
The default BSON representation of a ClosedRange
, which is a BSON document keyed by L
) and U
protocol BSONEncodable
A type that can be encoded to a BSON variant value.
protocol Comparable : Equatable
A type that can be compared using the relational operators <
, <=
, >=
, and >