func encode(to bson: inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<BSON.Key>)
where Key == BSON.Key, Value:BSONEncodable
import BSON_OrderedCollections
import OrderedCollections
Swift Collections is an open-source package of data structure implementations for the Swift programming language.
@frozen struct OrderedDictionary<Key, Value> where Key : Hashable
An ordered collection of key-value pairs.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen struct DocumentEncoder<CodingKey> where CodingKey : RawRepresentable, CodingKey.RawValue == String
@frozen struct Key
A BSON field key. This type wraps a rawValue that is guaranteed to never contain null bytes. (Null bytes in a BSON field key can be exploited to perform SQL injection.)
protocol BSONEncodable
A type that can be encoded to a BSON variant value.