Initializerswift-bson 0.3.1BSONEncoding->BSONABI
BSON.ListEncoder.swift:17init(_ output: BSON.Output)
init(_ output: BSON.Output)
What are these?4UXOJ
import BSONEncoding
import BSONABI
Models the BSON type system and the binary interface of the BSON serialization format.
@frozen struct ListEncoder
A type that can encode BSON list elements directly to an output buffer.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen struct Output
static var frame: BSON.DocumentFrame { get }
subscript<Encodable>(_: (Index) -> Void) -> Encodable? where Encodable : BSONEncodable { get set }
Appends a value to the list if non-nil, does nothing otherwise.
mutating func append(with encode: (inout BSON.FieldEncoder) -> ())
mutating func callAsFunction(_ yield: (inout BSON.ListEncoder) -> ())
mutating func callAsFunction<CodingKey>(_: CodingKey.Type = CodingKey.self, _ yield: (inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>) -> ()) where CodingKey : RawRepresentable, CodingKey.RawValue == String
consuming func move() -> BSON.Output
@frozen enum Index
A syntactical abstraction used to express the “end index” of a list. This type has no inhabitants.