Instance Propertyswift-bson 0.3.1BSONABI
BSON.IntegerOverflowError.swift:21var description: String { get }
var description: String { get }
What are these?84K0Z
where Overflowed:FixedWidthInteger
import BSONABI
Models the BSON type system and the binary interface of the BSON serialization format.
@frozen enum IntegerOverflowError<Overflowed> where Overflowed : FixedWidthInteger
An overflow occurred while casting an integer value to a desired type.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger, LosslessStringConvertible where Self.Magnitude : FixedWidthInteger, Self.Magnitude : UnsignedInteger, Self.Stride : FixedWidthInteger, Self.Stride : SignedInteger
An integer type that uses a fixed size for every instance.