Asserts that there is no input remaining.
func finish() throws
Asserts that there is no input remaining.
func finish() throws
import BSONABI
Models the BSON type system and the binary interface of the BSON serialization format.
@frozen struct Input
A type for managing BSON parsing state. Most users of this module should not need to interact with it directly.
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
init(_ source: ArraySlice<UInt8>)
Creates a parsing input view over the given source
data, and initializes its index
to the start index of the source
var index: Int
var remaining: ArraySlice<UInt8> { get }
Returns a slice of the input from the current index
to the end of the input. Accessing this property does not affect the current index
let source: ArraySlice<UInt8>
func expected(_ expectation: BSON.InputError.Expectation) -> BSON.InputError
Creates an InputError
with appropriate context for the specified expectation.
mutating func next() -> UInt8?
Consumes and returns a single byte from this parsing input.
mutating func parse<Frame>(_: Frame.Type) throws -> ArraySlice<UInt8> where Frame : BSON.BufferFrameType
mutating func parse(as _: UnixMillisecond.Type = UnixMillisecond.self) throws -> UnixMillisecond
mutating func parse(as _: BSON.Decimal128.Type = BSON.Decimal128.self) throws -> BSON.Decimal128
mutating func parse(as _: BSON.Identifier.Type = BSON.Identifier.self) throws -> BSON.Identifier
Parses a MongoDB object identifier.
mutating func parse(as _: BSON.Regex.Type = BSON.Regex.self) throws -> BSON.Regex
mutating func parse(as _: String.Type = String.self) throws -> String
Parses a null-terminated string.
mutating func parse(as _: Bool.Type = Bool.self) throws -> Bool
Parses a boolean.
mutating func parse<View>(as _: View.Type = View.self) throws -> View where View : BSON.BufferTraversable
Parses a traversable BSON element. The output is typically opaque, which allows decoders to skip over regions of a BSON document.
mutating func parse<LittleEndian>(as _: LittleEndian.Type = LittleEndian.self) throws -> LittleEndian where LittleEndian : FixedWidthInteger
Parses a little-endian integer.
@discardableResult mutating func parse(through byte: UInt8) throws -> Range<Int>
Advances the current index until encountering the specified byte
. After this method returns, index
points to the byte after the matched byte.
mutating func parse(variant: BSON.AnyType) throws -> BSON.AnyValue
Parses a variant BSON value, assuming it is of the specified variant