BSON Decoding and Encoding, Explained

This article walks through the process of implementing BSONDocumentDecodable and BSONDocumentEncodable conformances for a model type in detail, and explains the rationale behind library’s design decisions.


BSON is a serialization format, so when you receive BSON, you almost always want to decode it into a model type.

Decoding with Codable (Legacy API)

Many Swift users are familiar with the Decodable protocol, which is a format-agnostic deserialization system native to the Swift standard library. The swift-bson library provides compatibility shims for the Decodable protocol in the BSONLegacy module.

Here’s an example definition of a Decodable model type named BooleanContainer:

import BSONLegacy

struct BooleanContainer:Decodable, Encodable
    let b:Bool

        self.b = b

Here’s how you would decode an instance of BooleanContainer from a BSON Document:

let fromLegacy:BooleanContainer = try .init(
    from: BSON.AnyValue.document(bson))

And here’s the output you would see if you printed the decoded instance:

BooleanContainer(b: true)

The Legacy API does not currently support encoding.

Decoding with the BSON API

The format-agnostic Decodable protocol has well-known performance limitations, so the swift-bson library provides a set of BSON-specific serialization protocols for high-throughput use cases.

Below is a slightly more complex model type, ExampleModel, which has three stored properties: id, name, and rank. The name property is optional, and the rank property is a custom enum type with a RawValue of type Int32.

struct ExampleModel
    let id:Int64
    let name:String?
    let rank:Rank

    enum Rank:Int32
        case newModel
        case risingStar
        case aspiringModel
        case fashionista
        case glamourista
        case fashionMaven
        case runwayQueen
        case trendSetter
        case runwayDiva
        case topModel

The bare minimum a type needs to decode itself from BSON is a BSONDecodable conformance. Many standard library types, such as Int32 and Int64, are already BSONDecodable.

Decodability protocols

The BSONDecodable protocol has a derived protocol named BSONDocumentDecodable. Since we expect ExampleModel to appear as a BSON document, it is much easier to write a conformance against BSONDocumentDecodable than BSONDecodable, because the former provides error handling and field indexing for free.

Defining schema

Unlike the Legacy API, BSONDocumentDecodable requires an explicit schema definition in the form of a CodingKey. This type must be RawRepresentable and backed by a String. Moreover, because it can appear in error diagnostics, it must also be Sendable, as Error itself requires Sendable.

extension ExampleModel
    enum CodingKey:String, Sendable
        case id = "_id"
        case name = "D"
        case rank = "R"

It’s good practice to use single-letter key names in the CodingKey ABI for two reasons.

  1. BSON always stores document keys inline, so long keys can increase file size (and memory usage) substantially.

  2. Single-letter keys are more resilient to schema changes, as you can change the property names in the model type without breaking the database ABI.

Decoding fields

The interface for decoding documents is the BSON.DocumentDecoder type.

Types that conform to BSONDocumentDecodable must implement the init(bson:) requirement. This initializer receives a BSON.DocumentDecoder keyed by the CodingKey type you provide.

To access a non-optional field, subscript the decoder with the field key and call the decode(to:) method. This method will throw an error with an attached diagnostic trace if the field is missing or has the wrong type.

To access an optional field, chain the subscript with the optional chaining operator (?) before calling decode(to:).

extension ExampleModel:BSONDocumentDecodable
    init(bson:BSON.DocumentDecoder<CodingKey>) throws
    { = try bson[.id].decode() = try bson[.name]?.decode()
        self.rank = try bson[.rank]?.decode() ?? .newModel

This won’t compile just yet, because the rank property has type Rank, and we haven’t conformed it to BSONDecodable yet. So the last step is to make Rank conform to BSONDecodable by leveraging its existing RawRepresentable conformance.

extension ExampleModel.Rank:BSONDecodable

Because Int32 is already BSONDecodable, we don’t need to write any code to satisfy the conformance requirements.

Encoding with the BSON API

Once you have implemented the decoding logic, you are already two-thirds of the way to making a model type round-trippable.

All that’s left in this example is to conform ExampleModel.Rank to BSONEncodable, and write the encoding logic for ExampleModel’s BSONDocumentEncodable.encode(to:) witness.

extension ExampleModel.Rank:BSONEncodable

Encoding fields

The interface for encoding documents is the BSON.DocumentEncoder type.

The library passes an instance of this type inout to your encode(to:) witness. For maximum performance, it writes key-value pairs immediately to the BSON output stream when you assign to its subscripts. This means the order that the fields appear in the output document is determined by the order in which they were encoded in the encoding function.

extension ExampleModel:BSONDocumentEncodable
    func encode(to bson:inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>)
        bson[.id] =
        bson[.name] =
        bson[.rank] = self.rank == .newModel ? nil : self.rank

The code looks simple, but the encoding syntax is quite powerful. When assigning to BSON.DocumentEncoder.subscript(_:)’s setter, nil values become no-ops. This means that the name property will not be encoded if it is nil, which is almost always what we want.

You can also get a little more creative with the encoding logic. In this example, we also elide the rank field if the model’s rank is newModel, to match the behavior of the decoding function, which infers a default rank of newModel if the field is missing. This could be profitable if newModel were a very common value for rank, and we wanted to save space by not encoding it.

Putting It All Together

Here’s an example of how to round-trip an instance of ExampleModel through the BSON API:

let originalModel:ExampleModel = .init(id: 1,
    name: "AAA",
    rank: .topModel)

let encodedModel:BSON.Document = .init(encoding: originalModel)
let decodedModel:ExampleModel = try .init(bson: encodedModel)


When you run this code, you should see the following output:

ExampleModel(id: 1, name: Optional("AAA"), rank: topModel)
ExampleModel(id: 1, name: Optional("AAA"), rank: topModel)

See also

  • BSON Usage Examples

    Using BSON in production generally consists of three kinds of tasks: defining root types that model the documents you want to store as BSON, defining reusable supporting types to model fields in other types, and actually encoding and decoding BSON documents to and from binary data.

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  • Advanced Serialization Patterns

    Level up your BSON encoding skills by learning these composable serialiation patterns. Internalizing these techniques will help you write more efficient and maintainable database applications by avoiding temporary allocations and reusing generic library code.

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  • Textures and Coordinates

    BSON documents can embed arbitrary binary data. This is useful for storing trivial repeating values like RGB colors or 3D coordinates, and can save an enormous amount of keying overhead, though at the cost of making the data un-queryable, as the database will not understand your custom data format.

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