Textures and Coordinates
BSON documents can embed arbitrary binary data. This is useful for storing trivial repeating values like RGB colors or 3D coordinates, and can save an enormous amount of keying overhead, though at the cost of making the data un-queryable, as the database will not understand your custom data format.
Although most real-world systems are little-endian, you should always assume that your data will be read by and written from systems with varying endianness.
To help you avoid making mistakes, the swift-bson library provides the BSON.BinaryBuffer
and BSON.BinaryArray
abstractions. The latter, which accounts for endianness, is layered on top of the former, which does not. The BSON.BinaryPackable
protocol serves as the bridge between the two.
Worked Example
Below is a worked example of how to efficiently round trip a mesh of 3D triangles.
Defining Point and Triangle Types
struct Point3D
var x:Float
var y:Float
var z:Float
Triangles.swift:3struct Triangle3D
var a:Point3D
var b:Point3D
var c:Point3D
Triangles.swift:16Conforming to BSON.BinaryPackable
extension Point3D:BSON.BinaryPackable
typealias Storage = (UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
static func get(_ storage:Storage) -> Self
.init(x: .get(storage.0), y: .get(storage.1), z: .get(storage.2))
consuming func set() -> Storage
(self.x.set(), self.y.set(), self.z.set())
Triangles.swift:29extension Triangle3D:BSON.BinaryPackable
typealias Storage = (Point3D.Storage, Point3D.Storage, Point3D.Storage)
static func get(_ storage:Storage) -> Self
.init(a: .get(storage.0), b: .get(storage.1), c: .get(storage.2))
consuming func set() -> Storage
(self.a.set(), self.b.set(), self.c.set())
Triangles.swift:44Defining the Mesh Buffer
struct Mesh3D
let triangles:[Triangle3D]
extension Mesh3D:BSONArrayEncodable, RandomAccessCollection
var startIndex:Int { self.triangles.startIndex }
var endIndex:Int { self.triangles.endIndex }
subscript(position:Int) -> Triangle3D { self.triangles[position] }
extension Mesh3D:BSONArrayDecodable
init(from array:borrowing BSON.BinaryArray<Triangle3D>) throws
self.triangles = array.map(\.self)
Triangles.swift:61Defining the Top-Level Document
struct MeshContainer<Value> where Value:BSONEncodable, Value:BSONDecodable
let value:Value
enum CodingKey:String, Sendable
case value = "V"
extension MeshContainer:BSONDocumentEncodable, BSONDocumentDecodable
func encode(to bson:inout BSON.DocumentEncoder<CodingKey>)
bson[.value] = self.value
init(bson:BSON.DocumentDecoder<CodingKey>) throws
self.value = try bson[.value].decode()
Triangles.swift:81Round-tripping the Mesh
let triangles:[Triangle3D] = [
a: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0),
b: .init(x: 1, y: 0, z: 0),
c: .init(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0)),
a: .init(x: 1, y: 0, z: 0),
b: .init(x: 1, y: 1, z: 0),
c: .init(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0)),
let mesh:MeshContainer<Mesh3D> = .init(value: .init(triangles: triangles))
let meshEncoded:BSON.Document = .init(encoding: mesh)
let meshDecoded:MeshContainer<Mesh3D> = try .init(bson: meshEncoded)
Triangles.swift:107let trianglesEagerlyEncoded:BSON.BinaryArray<Triangle3D> = triangles.indices.reduce(
into: .init(count: triangles.count))
$0[$1] = triangles[$1]
let view:MeshContainer<BSON.BinaryArray<Triangle3D>> = .init(
value: trianglesEagerlyEncoded)
let viewEncoded:BSON.Document = .init(encoding: view)
let viewDecoded:MeshContainer<BSON.BinaryArray<Triangle3D>> = try .init(
bson: viewEncoded)
for triangleLazilyDecoded:Triangle3D in viewDecoded.value