Instance Propertyswift-aws-lambda-events 1.0.0AWSLambdaEvents
The type of data from the modified DynamoDB item that was captured in this stream record.
let streamViewType: StreamViewType
The type of data from the modified DynamoDB item that was captured in this stream record.
let streamViewType: StreamViewType
What are these?7XXPP
import AWSLambdaEvents
A supporting library for Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.
struct StreamRecord
struct DynamoDBEvent
enum StreamViewType
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
let approximateCreationDateTime: Date?
The approximate date and time when the stream record was created, in UNIX epoch time ( format.
let keys: [String : AttributeValue]
The primary key attribute(s) for the DynamoDB item that was modified.
let newImage: [String : AttributeValue]?
The item in the DynamoDB table as it appeared after it was modified.
let oldImage: [String : AttributeValue]?
The item in the DynamoDB table as it appeared before it was modified.
let sequenceNumber: String
The sequence number of the stream record.
let sizeBytes: Int64
The size of the stream record, in bytes.