Instance Propertyswift-aws-lambda-events 1.0.0AWSLambdaEvents
The main body of the stream record, containing all of the DynamoDB-specific fields.
let change: StreamRecord
The main body of the stream record, containing all of the DynamoDB-specific fields.
let change: StreamRecord
What are these?1F4H
import AWSLambdaEvents
A supporting library for Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.
struct EventRecord
struct DynamoDBEvent
struct StreamRecord
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
let awsRegion: AWSRegion
The region in which the GetRecords request was received.
let eventId: String
A globally unique identifier for the event that was recorded in this stream record.
let eventName: OperationType
The type of data modification that was performed on the DynamoDB table:
let eventSource: String
The AWS service from which the stream record originated. For DynamoDB Streams, this is aws:dynamodb
let eventSourceArn: String
The event source ARN of DynamoDB.
let eventVersion: String
The version number of the stream record format. This number is updated whenever the structure of Record is modified.
let userIdentity: UserIdentity?
Items that are deleted by the Time to Live process after expiration have the following fields:
enum CodingKeys