Instance Methodswift-aws-lambda-events 1.0.0AWSLambdaEvents
AWSRegion.swift:112func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
What are these?5IQHE
import AWSLambdaEvents
A supporting library for Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.
struct AWSRegion
Enumeration of the AWS Regions.
protocol Encoder
A type that can encode values into a native format for external representation.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
init?(rawValue: String)
static var af_south_1: Self { get }
static var ap_east_1: Self { get }
static var ap_northeast_1: Self { get }
static var ap_northeast_2: Self { get }
static var ap_northeast_3: Self { get }
static var ap_south_1: Self { get }
static var ap_south_2: Self { get }
static var ap_southeast_1: Self { get }
static var ap_southeast_2: Self { get }
static var ap_southeast_3: Self { get }
static var ap_southeast_4: Self { get }
static var ca_central_1: Self { get }
static var ca_west_1: Self { get }
static var cn_north_1: Self { get }
static var cn_northwest_1: Self { get }
static var eu_central_1: Self { get }
static var eu_central_2: Self { get }
static var eu_north_1: Self { get }
static var eu_south_1: Self { get }
static var eu_south_2: Self { get }
static var eu_west_1: Self { get }
static var eu_west_2: Self { get }
static var eu_west_3: Self { get }
static var il_central_1: Self { get }
static var me_central_1: Self { get }
static var me_south_1: Self { get }
static var sa_east_1: Self { get }
static var us_east_1: Self { get }
static var us_east_2: Self { get }
static var us_gov_east_1: Self { get }
static var us_gov_west_1: Self { get }
static var us_west_1: Self { get }
static var us_west_2: Self { get }
let rawValue: String
typealias RawValue = String