Instance Propertyswift-aws-lambda-events 1.0.0AWSLambdaEvents
APIGateway+V2.swift:104let context: Context
let context: Context
What are these?9AHMF
import AWSLambdaEvents
A supporting library for Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.
struct APIGatewayV2Request
contains data coming from the new HTTP API Gateway.
struct Context
contains information to identify the AWS account and resources invoking the Lambda function.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
let body: String?
let cookies: [String]
let headers: HTTPHeaders
let isBase64Encoded: Bool
let pathParameters: [String : String]
let queryStringParameters: [String : String]
let rawPath: String
let rawQueryString: String
let routeKey: String
let stageVariables: [String : String]
let version: String