Instance Propertyswift-aws-lambda-events 1.0.0AWSLambdaEvents
APIGatewayLambdaAuthorizers.swift:24let routeArn: String?
let routeArn: String?
What are these?4FOLY
import AWSLambdaEvents
A supporting library for Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.
struct APIGatewayLambdaAuthorizerRequest
contains the payload sent to a Lambda Authorizer function
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
let headers: [String : String]
let identitySource: [String]
let rawPath: String
let rawQueryString: String
let requestContext: Context?
let routeKey: String
let type: String
let version: String
struct Context
contains information to identify the AWS account and resources invoking the Lambda function.