Returns both the minimum and maximum elements in the sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func minAndMax(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> (min: Element, max: Element)?
- areInIncreasingOrder
A predicate that returns
if its first argument should be ordered before its second argument; otherwise,false
A tuple with the sequence’s minimum element, followed by its maximum element. If the sequence provides multiple qualifying minimum elements, the first equivalent element is returned; of multiple maximum elements, the last is returned. If the sequence has no elements, the method returns nil
The predicate must be a strict weak ordering over the elements. That is, for any elements a
, b
, and c
, the following conditions must hold:
areInIncreasingOrder(a, a)
is alwaysfalse
. (Irreflexivity)If
areInIncreasingOrder(a, b)
andareInIncreasingOrder(b, c)
are bothtrue
, thenareInIncreasingOrder(a, c)
is alsotrue
. (Transitive comparability)Two elements are incomparable if neither is ordered before the other according to the predicate. If
are incomparable, andb
are incomparable, thena
are also incomparable. (Transitive incomparability)
This example shows how to use the minAndMax(by:)
method on a dictionary to find the key-value pair with the lowest value and the pair with the highest value.
let hues = ["Heliotrope": 296, "Coral": 16, "Aquamarine": 156]
if let extremeHues = hues.minAndMax(by: {$0.value < $1.value}) {
print(extremeHues.min, extremeHues.max)
} else {
print("There are no hues")
// Prints: "(key: "Coral", value: 16) (key: "Heliotrope", value: 296)"