Static Methodswhitty.swiftdraw 0.18.1SwiftDraw
Image.swift:114static func pdfData(fileURL url: URL, size: CGSize? = nil) throws -> Data
static func pdfData(fileURL url: URL, size: CGSize? = nil) throws -> Data
What are these?4SJ3E
import SwiftDraw
final class SVG
struct URL
A URL is a type that can potentially contain the location of a resource on a remote server, the path of a local file on disk, or even an arbitrary piece of encoded data.
struct CGSize
@frozen struct Data
convenience init?(data: Data, options: SVG.Options = .default)
convenience init?(fileURL url: URL, options: SVG.Options = .default)
convenience init?(named name: String, in bundle: Bundle = Bundle.main, options: SVG.Options = .default)
let size: CGSize
func jpegData(size: CGSize? = nil, scale: CGFloat = 1, compressionQuality quality: CGFloat = 1) -> Data?
func pdfData(size: CGSize? = nil) -> Data?
func pngData(size: CGSize? = nil, scale: CGFloat = 1) -> Data?
struct Insets
struct Options