Structuresliemeobn.elementary 0.2.0Elementary
HtmlBuilder.swift:110struct _HTMLConditional<TrueContent, FalseContent> where TrueContent : HTML, FalseContent : HTML
Citizens in Elementary
protocol HTML<Tag>
A type that represents HTML content that can be rendered.
Type members
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Type features
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Instance features
func render(
) -> String Renders the HTML content into a single string.
func render(into: some HTMLStreamWriter, chunkSize: Int
) async throws Renders the HTML content into a stream writer.
func renderAsync(
) async throws -> String Renders the HTML content into a single string asynchronously.
func renderFormatted(
) -> String Renders the HTML content into a formatted string.
Show obsolete interfaces (1)
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Show system interfaces (1)
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Citizens in Elementary
protocol Sendable
A type whose values can safely be passed across concurrency domains by copying.
Citizens in Elementary
where TrueContent.Tag == FalseContent.Tag