Library Modulepureswift.gatt 3.3.0GATT


Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) for Swift
import GATT

Module information



30.5 percent of the declarations in GATT are fully documented43.0 percent of the declarations in GATT are indirectly documented26.5 percent of the declarations in GATT are completely undocumented


11.2 percent of the declarations in GATT are initializers, type members, or enum cases42.6 percent of the declarations in GATT are instance members0.4 percent of the declarations in GATT are instance subscripts2.7 percent of the declarations in GATT are protocols26.0 percent of the declarations in GATT are protocol requirements0.9 percent of the declarations in GATT are default implementations7.2 percent of the declarations in GATT are structures0.9 percent of the declarations in GATT are classes8.1 percent of the declarations in GATT are typealiases


100.0 percent of the declarations in GATT are unrestricted
Module stats and coverage details


The Generic Attributes (GATT) is the name of the interface used to connect to Bluetooth LE devices. The interface has one or more Bluetooth Services, identified by unique ids, that contain Bluetooth Characteristics also identified by ids.


The GATT client or central sends requests to a server and receives responses (and server-initiated updates) from it. The GATT client does not know anything in advance about the server’s attributes, so it must first inquire about the presence and nature of those attributes by performing service discovery. After completing service discovery, it can then start reading and writing attributes found in the server, as well as receiving server-initiated updates.


The GATT server or peripheral receives requests from a client and sends responses back. It also sends server-initiated updates when configured to do so, and it is the role responsible for storing and making the user data available to the client, organized in attributes.