Packagepureswift.gatt 3.3.0all tags
GATT documentation
Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) for Swift
Package repository
- Registrar
- GitHub
- License
- MIT License
- Keywords
- bluetooth-low-energy, corebluetooth, iot, swift, linux, bluetooth, gatt, embedded
- Owner
- PureSwiftview profile
Package dependencies
Package | Requirement | Resolved version |
swift | 6.0.3 | |
swift-syntax | 600.0.1 | |
bluetooth | 7.1.0..<8.0.0 | 7.1.1 |
Platform requirements
- Swift tools version
- 6.0.0
Platform | Minimum Version |
macos | 10.15 |
ios | 13.0 |
watchos | 6.0 |
tvos | 13.0 |
Platform requirements originate from the manifest targeting the latest version of Swift!
Linkage information
- Symbol graph ABI
- 0.12.5
- Symbols linked
- 74 / 94 78%
- Git revision
- 1134dbcfa05b0a529f532003b6050f8cca173193