import BluetoothHCI
Module information
- Declarations
- 2878
- Symbols
- 3589
import BluetoothHCI
protocol BluetoothHostControllerInterface : AnyObject, Sendable
Bluetooth HCI controller.
protocol HCICommand : CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, RawRepresentable
HCI Command.
protocol HCICommandParameter
HCI Command Parameter.
protocol HCICommandReturnParameter
The return value (not event) returned by an HCI command.
protocol HCIEvent : CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, RawRepresentable
HCI Event Opcode
protocol HCIEventParameter
protocol HCIPacketHeader
protocol HCIVersioned
The Bluetooth type declares compatibilty with a Bluetooth specification version.
@frozen enum ACLPacketType
ACL packets are used on the asynchronous logical transport. The information carried may be user data or control data.
@frozen enum AdvertisingChannelHeader
Advertising channel PDU Header’s PDU Type
@frozen struct AdvertisingInterval
Advertising Interval
struct AsyncLowEnergyScanStream
Bluetooth LE Scan Stream
@frozen enum BluetoothHostControllerError
Bluetooth HCI errors
@frozen struct ChannelIdentifier
Bluetooth Channel Identifier
@frozen struct ConnectionAcceptTimeout
Connection Accept Timeout measured in Number of BR/EDR Baseband slots.
@frozen enum HCI
Bluetooth HCI
@frozen struct HCIAcceptConnectionRequest
Accept Connection Command
@frozen struct HCIAuthenticationComplete
Authentication Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIAuthenticationRequested
Authentication Requested Command
@frozen struct HCIChangeConnectionPacketType
Change Connection Packet Type Command
@frozen struct HCICommandComplete
HCI Command Complete
@frozen struct HCICommandHeader
HCI Command Packet Header
@frozen struct HCICommandStatus
HCI Command Status Event
@frozen struct HCICommandTimeout
The duration of an HCI command.
@frozen struct HCIConnectionComplete
Connection Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIConnectionPacketTypeChange
The Connection Packet Type Changed event is used to indicate that the process has completed of the Link Manager changing which packet types can be used for the connection. This allows current connections to be dynamically modified to support different types of user data. The Packet_Type event parameter specifies which packet types the Link Manager can use for the connection identified by the Connection_Handle event parameter for sending L2CAP data or voice. The Packet_Type event parameter does not decide which packet types the LM is allowed to use for sending LMP PDUs.
@frozen struct HCIConnectionRequest
Connection Request Event
@frozen struct HCICreateConnection
Create Connection Command
@frozen struct HCICreateConnectionCancel
Create Connection Command
@frozen struct HCICreateConnectionCancelReturn
@frozen struct HCIDeleteStoredLinkKey
Delete Stored Link Key Command
@frozen struct HCIDeleteStoredLinkKeyReturn
@frozen struct HCIDisconnect
Disconnect Command
@frozen struct HCIDisconnectionComplete
Disconnection Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIEncryptionChange
Encryption Change Event
@frozen struct HCIEncryptionKeyRefreshComplete
Encryption Key Refresh Complete Event
@frozen enum HCIError
Bluetooth HCI Errors
@frozen struct HCIEventHeader
HCI Event Packet Header
@frozen enum HCIGeneralEvent
Bluetooth HCI Events (not categorized)
@frozen struct HCIHoldMode
Hold Mode Command
@frozen struct HCIIOCapabilityRequest
The IO Capability Request event is used to indicate that the IO capabilities of the Host are required for a simple pairing process. The Host shall respond with an IO_Capability_Request_Reply command. This event shall only be generated if simple pairing has been enabled with the Write_Simple_Pairing_Mode command.
@frozen struct HCIIOCapabilityRequestReply
IO Capability Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCIIOCapabilityRequestReplyReturn
@frozen struct HCIIOCapabilityResponse
The IO Capability Response event is used to indicate to the host that IO capa- bilities from a remote device specified by BD_ADDR have been received dur- ing a simple pairing process. This event will only be generated if simple pairing has been enabled with the Write_Simple_Pairing_Mode command.
@frozen struct HCIInquiry
A device which responds during an inquiry or inquiry period should always be reported to the Host in an Inquiry Result event if the device has not been reported earlier during the current inquiry or inquiry period and the device has not been filtered out using the command Set_Event_Filter. If the device has been reported earlier during the current inquiry or inquiry period, it may or may not be reported depending on the implementation (depending on if earlier results have been saved in the BR/EDR Controller and in that case how many responses that have been saved). It is recommended that the BR/EDR Con- troller tries to report a particular device only once during an inquiry or inquiry period.
@frozen struct HCIInquiryComplete
Inquiry Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIInquiryResult
Inquiry Result Event
@frozen struct HCILEAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserList
LE Add Device To Periodic Advertiser List Command
@frozen struct HCILEAddDeviceToResolvingList
LE Add Device To Resolving List Command
@frozen struct HCILEAddDeviceToWhiteList
LE Add Device To White List Command
@frozen struct HCILEAdvertisingReport
LE Advertising Report Event
@frozen struct HCILEAdvertisingSetTerminated
LE Advertising Set Terminated Event
@frozen struct HCILEChannelSelectionAlgorithm
LE Channel Selection Algorithm Event
@frozen struct HCILEConnectionComplete
LE Connection Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILEConnectionUpdateComplete
LE Connection Update Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILECreateConnection
LE Create Connection Command
@frozen struct HCILEDataLengthChange
LE Data Length Change Event
@frozen struct HCILEDirectedAdvertisingReport
LE Directed Advertising Report Event
@frozen struct HCILEEncrypt
LE Encrypt Command
@frozen struct HCILEEncryptReturn
LE Encrypt Command
@frozen struct HCILEEnhancedConnectionComplete
LE Enhanced Connection Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILEEnhancedReceiverTest
LE Enhanced Receiver Test Command
@frozen struct HCILEEnhancedTransmitterTest
LE Enhanced Transmitter Test Command
@frozen struct HCILEExtendedAdvertisingReport<ReportData> where ReportData : DataContainer
LE Extended Advertising Report Event
@frozen struct HCILEExtendedCreateConnection
LE Extended Create Connection Command
@frozen struct HCILEGenerateDHKey
LE Generate DHKey Command
@frozen struct HCILEGenerateDHKeyComplete
LE Generate DHKey Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILELongTermKeyRequest
LE Long Term Key Request Event
@frozen struct HCILELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReply
LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReplyReturn
LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILELongTermKeyRequestReply
LE Long Term Key Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILELongTermKeyRequestReplyReturn
LE Long Term Key Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILEPeriodicAdvertisingCreateSync
LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync Command
@frozen struct HCILEPeriodicAdvertisingReport<ReportData> where ReportData : DataContainer
LE Periodic Advertising Report Event
@frozen struct HCILEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablished
LE Periodic Advertising Sync Established Event
@frozen struct HCILEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLost
LE Periodic Advertising Sync Lost Event
@frozen struct HCILEPeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSync
LE Periodic Advertising Terminate Sync Command
@frozen struct HCILEPhyUpdateComplete
LE PHY Update Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILERandom
LE Rand Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadAdvertisingChannelTxPower
LE Read Advertising Channel Tx Power Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadBufferSize
LE Read Buffer Size Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadChannelMap
LE Read Channel Map Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadChannelMapReturnParameter
LE Read Channel Map Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadLocalP256PublicKeyComplete
LE Read Local P-256 Public Key Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILEReadLocalResolvableAddress
LE Read Local Resolvable Address Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadLocalResolvableAddressReturn
LE Read Local Resolvable Address Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadLocalSupportedFeatures
LE Read Local Supported Features Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadMaximumAdvertisingDataLength
LE Read Maximum Advertising Data Length Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadMaximumDataLength
LE Read Maximum Data Length Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadNumberOfSupportedAdvertisingSets
LE Read Number of Supported Advertising Sets Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadPHY
LE Read PHY Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadPHYReturn
LE Read PHY Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadPeerResolvableAddress
LE Read Peer Resolvable Address Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadPeerResolvableAddressReturn
LE Read Peer Resolvable Address Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadPeriodicAdvertisingListSize
LE Read Periodic Advertiser List Size Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadRemoteUsedFeatures
LE Read Remote Features Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete
LE Read Remote Features Complete Event
@frozen struct HCILEReadResolvingListSize
LE Read Resolving List Size Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadRfPathCompensation
LE Read RF Path Compensation Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadSuggestedDefaultDataLength
LE Read Suggested Default Data Length Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadSupportedStates
LE Read Supported States
@frozen struct HCILEReadTransmitPower
LE Read Transmit Power Command
@frozen struct HCILEReadWhiteListSize
LE Read White List Size
@frozen struct HCILEReceiverTest
LE Receiver Test Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoteConnectionParameterRequest
LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Event
@frozen struct HCILERemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReply
LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Negative Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReplyReturn
LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Negative Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply
LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReplyReturn
LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoveAdvertisingSet
LE Remove Advertising Set Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoveDeviceFromResolvingList
LE Remove Device From Resolving List Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoveDeviceFromWhiteList
LE Remove Device From White List Command
@frozen struct HCILERemoveDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserList
LE Remove Device From Periodic Advertiser List Command
@frozen struct HCILEScanRequestReceived
LE Scan Request Received Event
@frozen struct HCILESetAddressResolutionEnable
LE Set Address Resolution Enable Command
@frozen struct HCILESetAdvertiseEnable
LE Set Advertising Enable
@frozen struct HCILESetAdvertisingData
LE Set Advertising Data Command
@frozen struct HCILESetAdvertisingParameters
LE Set Advertising Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetAdvertisingSetRandomAddress
LE Set Advertising Set Random Address Command
@frozen struct HCILESetDataLength
LE Set Data Length Command
@frozen struct HCILESetDataLengthReturn
The LE_Set_Data_Length command allows the Host to suggest maximum transmission packet size and maximum packet transmission time to be used for a given connection. The Controller may use smaller or larger values based on local information.
@frozen struct HCILESetDefaultPhy
LE Set Default PHY Command
@frozen struct HCILESetEventMask
LE Set Event Mask Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedAdvertisingData
LE Set Extended Advertising Data Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedAdvertisingParameters
LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedAdvertisingParametersReturn
LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedScanEnable
LE Set Extended Scan Enable Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedScanParameters
LE Set Extended Scan Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetExtendedScanResponseData
LE Set Extended Scan Response Data Command
@frozen struct HCILESetHostChannelClassification
LE Set Host Channel Classification Command
@frozen struct HCILESetPeriodicAdvertisingData
LE Set Periodic Advertising Data Command
@frozen struct HCILESetPeriodicAdvertisingEnable
LE Set Periodic Advertising Enable Command
@frozen struct HCILESetPeriodicAdvertisingParameters
LE Set Periodic Advertising Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetPhy
LE Set PHY Command
@frozen struct HCILESetPrivacyMode
LE Set Privacy Mode Command
@frozen struct HCILESetRandomAddress
LE Set Random Address Command
@frozen struct HCILESetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeout
LE Set Resolvable Private Address Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCILESetScanEnable
LE Set Scan Enable Command
struct HCILESetScanParameters
LE Set Scan Parameters Command
@frozen struct HCILESetScanResponseData
LE Set Scan Response Data Command
@frozen struct HCILEStartEncryption
LE Start Encryption Command
@frozen struct HCILETestEnd
LE Test End Command
@frozen struct HCILETransmitterTest
LE Transmitter Test Command
@frozen struct HCILEUpdateConnection
LE Connection Update Command
@frozen struct HCILEWriteRfPathCompensation
LE Write RF Path Compensation Command
@frozen struct HCILEWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLength
LE Write Suggested Default Data Length Command
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyNotification
Link Key Notification Event
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyRequest
Link Key Request Event
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyRequestNegativeReply
Link Key Request Negative Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyRequestNegativeReplyReturn
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyRequestReply
Link Key Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCILinkKeyRequestReplyReturn
@frozen struct HCILocalVersionInformation
Read Local Version Information
@frozen enum HCILowEnergyCommand
Bluetooth Low Energy Command opcode
@frozen struct HCILowEnergyMetaEvent<EventData> where EventData : DataContainer
HCI Low Energy Meta Event
@frozen struct HCIMaxSlotsChange
Max Slots Change Event
@frozen struct HCIModeChange
Mode Change Event
@frozen struct HCINumberOfCompletedPackets
The Number Of Completed Packets event is used by the Controller to indicate to the Host how many HCI Data Packets have been completed (transmitted or flushed) for each Connection_Handle since the previous Number Of Completed Packets event was sent to the Host. This means that the corresponding buffer space has been freed in the Controller. Based on this information, and the HC_Total_Num_ACL_Data_Packets and HC_Total_Num_Synchronous_Data_Packets return parameter of the Read_Buffer_Size command, the Host can determine for which Connection_Handles the following HCI Data Packets should be sent to the Controller. The Number Of Completed Packets event must not be sent before the corresponding Connection Complete event. While the Controller has HCI data packets in its buffer, it must keep sending the Number Of Completed Packets event to the Host at least periodically, until it finally reports that all the pending ACL Data Packets have been transmitted or flushed. The rate with which this event is sent is manufacturer specific.
@frozen enum HCIOpcodeGroupField
HCI Opcode Group Field
@frozen struct HCIPINCodeRequest
The PIN Code Request event is used to indicate that a PIN code is required to create a new link key. The Host shall respond using either the PIN_Code_Request_Reply or the PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply command, depending on whether the Host can provide the Controller with a PIN code or not.
@frozen struct HCIPINCodeRequestReply
PIN Code Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCIPINCodeRequestReplyReturn
@frozen struct HCIPeriodicInquiryMode
Periodic Inquiry Mode Command The Periodic_Inquiry_Mode command is used to configure the BR/EDR Con- troller to enter the Periodic Inquiry Mode that performs an automatic Inquiry. Max_Period_Duration and Min_Period_Duration define the time range between two consecutive inquiries, from the beginning of an inquiry until the start of the next inquiry. The BR/EDR Controller shall use this range to determine a new random time between two consecutive inquiries for each Inquiry. The LAP input parameter contains the LAP from which the inquiry access code shall be derived when the inquiry procedure is made. The Inquiry_Duration parameter specifies the total duration of the Inquiry Mode and, when time expires, Inquiry will be halted. The Num_Responses parameter specifies the number of responses that can be received before the Inquiry is halted. This command is completed when the Inquiry process has been started by the BR/EDR Control- ler, and a Command Complete event is sent from the Controller to the Host. When each of the periodic Inquiry processes are completed, the Controller will send an Inquiry Complete event to the Host indicating that the latest periodic Inquiry process has finished. When a BR/EDR Controller responds to the Inquiry message an Inquiry Result event will occur to notify the Host of the dis- covery.
@frozen struct HCIQoSSetup
QoS Setup Command
@frozen struct HCIQoSSetupComplete
QoS Setup Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIReadClassOfDeviceReturn
Read Class of Device Command
@frozen struct HCIReadClockOffset
Read Clock Offset Command
@frozen struct HCIReadClockOffsetComplete
Read Clock Offset Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIReadConnectionAcceptTimeout
Read Connection Accept Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCIReadDataBlockSizeReturn
Read Data Block Size
@frozen struct HCIReadDeviceAddress
Read Device Address
@frozen struct HCIReadLMPHandle
Read LMP Handle Command
@frozen struct HCIReadLMPHandleReturn
@frozen struct HCIReadLocalName
Read Local Name Command
@frozen struct HCIReadLocalSupportedFeaturesReturn
Read Local Supported Features Command
@frozen struct HCIReadPageTimeoutReturn
Read Page Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteExtendedFeatures
Read Remote Extended Features Command
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete
Read Remote Extended Features Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteSupportedFeatures
Read Remote Supported Features Command
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete
Read Remote Supported Features Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteVersionInformation
Read Remote Version Information Command
@frozen struct HCIReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete
Read Remote Extended Features Complete Event
@frozen struct HCIReadStoredLinkKey
Read Stored Link Key Command
@frozen struct HCIReadStoredLinkKeyReturn
@frozen struct HCIRejectConnectionRequest
Reject Connection Command
@frozen struct HCIRemoteNameRequest
HCI Remote Name Request
@frozen struct HCIRemoteNameRequestComplete
HCI Remote Name Request Complete Event
@frozen struct HCISetConnectionEncryption
Set Connection Encryption Command
@frozen struct HCISetEventFilter
Set Event Filter Command
@frozen struct HCISimplePairingComplete
The Simple Pairing Complete event is used to indicate that the simple pairing process has completed. A Host that is displaying a numeric value can use this event to change its UI.
@frozen enum HCIStatus
HCI Status Code
@frozen struct HCIUserConfirmationRequest
The User Confirmation Request event is used to indicate that user confirmation of a numeric value is required. The Host shall reply with either the User_Confirmation_Request_Reply or the User_Confirmation_Request_Negative_Reply command. If the Host has output capability (DisplayYesNo or KeyboardOnly), it shall display the Numeric_Value until the Simple Pairing Complete event is received. It shall reply based on the yes/no response from the user. If the Host has no input and no output it shall reply with the User Confirmation Request Reply command. When the Controller generates a User Confirmation Request event, in order for the local Link Manager to respond to the request from the remote Link Manager, the local Host must respond with either a User_Confirmation_Request_Reply or a User_Confirmation_Request_Negative_Reply command before the remote Link Manager detects LMP response timeout.
@frozen struct HCIUserConfirmationRequestReply
User Confirmation Request Reply Command
@frozen struct HCIUserConfirmationRequestReplyReturn
enum HCIVersion
Bluetooth Host Controller Interface version.
@frozen struct HCIWriteClassOfDevice
Write Class of Device Command
@frozen struct HCIWriteConnectionAcceptTimeout
Write Connection Accept Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCIWriteLinkPolicySettings
Write Link Policy Settings Command
struct HCIWriteLinkPolicySettingsReturn
@frozen struct HCIWriteLinkSupervisionTimeout
Write Link Supervision Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCIWriteLinkSupervisionTimeoutReturn
@frozen struct HCIWriteLocalName
The Write Local Name command provides the ability to modify the user-friendly name for the BR/EDR Controller.
@frozen struct HCIWritePageScanActivity
Write Page Scan Activity Command
@frozen struct HCIWritePageScanType
Write Page Scan Type Command
@frozen struct HCIWritePageTimeout
Write Page Timeout Command
@frozen struct HCIWriteScanEnable
Write Scan Enable Command
@frozen enum HostControllerBasebandCommand
The Controller & Baseband Commands provide access and control to various capabilities of the Bluetooth hardware. These parameters provide control of BR/EDR Controllers and of the capabilities of the Link Manager and Baseband in the BR/EDR Controller, the PAL in an AMP Controller, and the Link Layer in an LE Controller. The Host can use these commands to modify the behavior of the local Controller.
@frozen enum InformationalCommand
@frozen enum LMPFeature
Bluetooth LMP Feature
@frozen enum LinkControlCommand
@frozen enum LinkPolicyCommand
@frozen enum LowEnergyAddressType
Bluetooth Low Energy Address type
@frozen enum LowEnergyAdvertiserAddressType
Bluetooth LE Advertiser Address Type
@frozen enum LowEnergyAllPhys
The ALL_PHYS parameter is a bit field that allows the Host to specify, for each direction, whether it has no preference among the PHYs that the Controller supports in a given direction or whether it has specified particular PHYs that it prefers in the TX_PHYS or RX_PHYS parameter.
@frozen enum LowEnergyClockAccuracy
Bluetooth LE Clock Accuracy
@frozen struct LowEnergyConnectionInterval
Connection interval / latency used on this connection.
@frozen struct LowEnergyConnectionIntervalRange
Value for connection event interval
@frozen struct LowEnergyConnectionLatency
Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.
@frozen struct LowEnergyConnectionLength
Information parameter about the minimum length of connection needed for this LE connection.
@frozen enum LowEnergyEvent
Bluetooth Low Energy HCI Events
@frozen enum LowEnergyFeature
LE Feature Support
@frozen enum LowEnergyFragmentPreference
Bluetooth LE Fragment Preference
@frozen struct LowEnergyMaxTxOctets
Number of microseconds that the local Controller should use to transmit a single Link Layer packet on this connection.
@frozen struct LowEnergyMaxTxTime
Number of payload octets that the local Controller should include in a single Link Layer packet on this connection.
@frozen enum LowEnergyPacketPayload
Bluetooth LE Packet Payload format
@frozen enum LowEnergyPeerIdentifyAddressType
Bluetooth LE Peer Identify Address Type
@frozen enum LowEnergyPhyOptions
The PHY_options parameter is a bit field that allows the Host to specify options for PHYs. The default value for a new connection shall be all zero bits. The Controller may override any preferred coding for transmitting on the LE Coded PHY.
@frozen struct LowEnergyRfRxPathCompensationValue
@frozen struct LowEnergyRfTxPathCompensationValue
@frozen enum LowEnergyRole
Bluetooth LE Connection role
@frozen struct LowEnergyRxChannel
Bluetooth LE Rx Channel
@frozen enum LowEnergyRxPhy
Bluetooth LE Rx Phy
@frozen enum LowEnergyRxPhys
The RX_PHYS parameter is a bit field that indicates the receiver PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use. If the ALL_PHYS parameter specifies that the Host has no preference, the RX_PHYS parameter is ignored; otherwise at least one bit shall be set to 1.
@frozen struct LowEnergyScanInterval
Time interval from when the Controller started its last scan until it begins the subsequent scan on the primary advertising channel.
@frozen enum LowEnergyState
Possible Low Energy States and roles.
@frozen enum LowEnergyStateSet
The states and state combinations that the link layer supports.
@frozen struct LowEnergySupervisionTimeout
Supervision Timeout
@frozen struct LowEnergyTxChannel
Bluetooth LE Tx Power Channel
@frozen enum LowEnergyTxPhy
Bluetooth LE Tx Phy
@frozen enum LowEnergyTxPhys
The TX_PHYS parameter is a bit field that indicates the transmitter PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use. If the ALL_PHYS parameter specifies that the Host has no preference, / the TX_PHYS parameter is ignored; otherwise at least one bit shall be set to 1.
@frozen struct LowEnergyTxPower
Bluetooth LE Tx Power
@frozen enum LowEnergyWhiteListAddressType
LE White List Address Type
@frozen enum LowEnergyWhiteListDevice
LE White List Device Entry
@frozen enum PacketType
The packets used on the piconet are related to the logical transports they are used in. Three logical transports with distinct packet types are defined (see Section 4 on page 97): the SCO logical transport, the eSCO logical transport, and the ACL logical transport. For each of these logical transports, 15 different packet types can be defined.
@frozen struct PageScanRepetitionMode
The Page_Scan_Repetition_Mode parameter specifies the page scan repetition mode supported by the remote device with the BD_ADDR. This is the information that was acquired during the inquiry process.
enum ProtocolServiceMultiplexer
Protocol/Service Multiplexer (PSM).
@frozen enum SCOPacketType
HV and DV packets are used on the synchronous SCO logical transport. The HV packets do not include a CRC and shall not be retransmitted. DV packets include a CRC on the data section, but not on the synchronous data section. The data section of DV packets shall be retransmitted. SCO packets may be routed to the synchronous I/O port. Four packets are allowed on the SCO logical transport: HV1, HV2, HV3 and DV. These packets are typically used for 64kb/s speech transmission but may be used for transparent synchronous data.
@frozen enum StatusParametersCommand
@frozen struct VendorCommand
typealias HCIOpcodeCommandField = UInt16
typealias LowEnergyChannelMap = (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8)
typealias LowEnergyFeatureSet = BitMaskOptionSet<LowEnergyFeature>
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
import BluetoothGAP
import BluetoothGATT
import BluetoothMacros
import BluetoothMetadata