import BluetoothGAP
Module information
- Declarations
- 574
- Symbols
- 734
import BluetoothGAP
protocol GAPData : DataConvertible
Generic Access Profile
protocol GAPMeshBeaconProtocol
The protocol for GAP Mesh Beacon types.
@frozen struct GAP3DInformation
The 3DD shall include a section in its EIR data providing 3D Synchronization Profile
@frozen struct GAPAdvertisingInterval
The Advertising Interval data type contains the advInterval
value as defined in the Core specification, Volume 6, Part B, Section
@frozen struct GAPAppearance
GAP Appearance
@frozen struct GAPAppearanceData
The Appearance data type defines the external appearance of the device. This value shall be the same as the Appearance characteristic, as defined in Vol. 3, Part C, Section 12.2.
@frozen enum GAPBeaconType
@frozen struct GAPChannelMapUpdateIndication
The channel map (channelMap) used for periodic advertisements may be updated at any time by the advertiser. The advertiser can update the channel map by sending the Channel Map Update Indication data type in the extended header of the packet containing the AUX_SYNC_IND PDU. The advertiser’s Host may provide an initial channel map using the LE Set Host Channel Classification HCI Command; however the advertiser’s Controller can update the channels that were marked as unknown by the Host in the channel map based on channel assessments without being requested to by the Host. The Channel Map Update Indication data type shall only be present in the extended header of the packet containing the AUX_SYNC_IND PDU.
@frozen struct GAPClassOfDevice
Specifies the class of the device Size: 3 octets
@frozen struct GAPCompleteListOf128BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPCompleteListOf16BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPCompleteListOf32BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Complete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPCompleteLocalName
GAP Complete Local Name
struct GAPDataDecoder<Data> where Data : DataContainer
GAP Data Decoder
enum GAPDataDecoderError
GAP Data Decoder Error
struct GAPDataEncoder<Data> where Data : DataContainer
GAP Data Encoder
@frozen struct GAPDataType
Generic Access Profile Data Type
@frozen struct GAPFlags
GAP Flag
@frozen struct GAPIncompleteListOf128BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPIncompleteListOf16BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Incomplete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPIncompleteListOf32BitServiceClassUUIDs
GAP Incomplete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPIndoorPositioning
The Indoor Positioning Service exposes location information to support mobile devices to position themselves in an environment where GNSS signals are not available, for example in indoor premises.
@frozen struct GAPLEDeviceAddress
The LE Bluetooth Device Address data type defines the device address of the local device and the address type on the LE transport.
enum GAPLEDeviceAddressType
GAP LE Device Address Type.
@frozen enum GAPLERole
The LE Role data type defines the LE role capabilities of the device. The LE Role data type size is 1 octet.
@frozen struct GAPLESecureConnectionsConfirmation
Specifies the LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value Size: 16 octets Format defined in [Vol 3], Part H, Section
@frozen struct GAPLESecureConnectionsRandom
Specifies the LE Secure Connections Random Value Size: 16 octets Format defined in [Vol 3], Part H, Section
@frozen struct GAPListOf128BitServiceSolicitationUUIDs
GAP List of 128 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPListOf16BitServiceSolicitationUUIDs
GAP List of 16 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPListOf32BitServiceSolicitationUUIDs
GAP List of 32 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
@frozen struct GAPManufacturerSpecificData<AdditionalData> where AdditionalData : DataContainer
The Manufacturer Specific data type is used for manufacturer specific data. The first two data octets shall contain a company identifier code from the Assigned Numbers - Company Identifiers document. The interpretation of any other octets within the data shall be defined by the manufacturer specified by the company identifier.
@frozen enum GAPMeshBeacon
Mesh beacons are packets advertised periodically by nodes and unprovisioned devices. Mesh beacons are contained in a «Mesh Beacon» AD Type. The first octet of the Mesh Beacon advertising data payload (Beacon Type field) determines the type of beacon. Mesh beacons are forwarded to other bearers using the Proxy protocol (see Section 6).
@frozen struct GAPMeshMessage
Any advertisement using the Mesh Message AD Type shall be non-connectable and non-scannable undirected advertising events. If a node receives a Mesh Message AD Type in a connectable advertisement or scannable advertising event, the message shall be ignored.
@frozen enum GAPOOBInformationFlag
@frozen struct GAPPBADV<ProvisioningData> where ProvisioningData : DataContainer
PB-ADV is a provisioning bearer used to provision a device using Generic Provisioning PDUs (see Section 5.3) over the advertising channels. The provisioning mechanism is session based. An unprovisioned device shall support only one session at a time. There is no such limitation for a Provisioner. A session is established using the Link Establishment procedure (see Section 5.3.2). The PB-ADV bearer is used for transmitting Generic Provisioning PDUs. The PB-ADV bearer MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size is 24 octets. When using PB-ADV, a Generic Provisioning PDU shall be sent using the PB-ADV AD Type identified by «PB-ADV», as defined in [4]. A device supporting PB-ADV should perform passive scanning with a duty cycle as close to 100% as possible in order to avoid missing any incoming Generic Provisioning PDUs.
@frozen struct GAPPublicTargetAddress
The Public Target Address data type defines the address of one or more intended recipients of an advertisement when one or more devices were bonded using a public address. This data type is intended to be used to avoid a situation where a bonded device unnecessarily responds to an advertisement intended for another bonded device.
@frozen struct GAPRandomTargetAddress
The Random Target Address data type defines the address of one or more intended recipients of an advertisement when one or more devices were bonded using a random address. This data type is intended to be used to avoid a situation where a bonded device unnecessarily responds to an advertisement intended for another bonded device.
@frozen struct GAPSecureNetworkBeacon
The Secure Network beacon is used by nodes to identify the subnet and its security state
@frozen enum GAPSecureNetworkFlag
@frozen enum GAPSecurityManagerOOBFlag
The Security Manager Out of Band data type allows an out of band mechanism to be used by the Security Manager to communicate discovery information as well as other information related to the pairing process.
@frozen struct GAPSecurityManagerOOBFlags
The Security Manager Out of Band data type allows an out of band mechanism to be used by the Security Manager to communicate discovery information as well as other information related to the pairing process.
@frozen struct GAPSecurityManagerTKValue
The Security Manager TK Value data type allows an out of band mechanism to be used by the Security Manager to communicate the TK value. Size: 16 octets Value as used in pairing over LE Physical channel. Format defined in [Vol. 3], Part H Section 2.3
@frozen struct GAPServiceData128BitUUID<ServiceData> where ServiceData : DataContainer
The Service Data data type consists of a service UUID with the data associated with that service.
@frozen struct GAPServiceData16BitUUID<ServiceData> where ServiceData : DataContainer
The Service Data data type consists of a service UUID with the data associated with that service.
@frozen struct GAPServiceData32BitUUID<ServiceData> where ServiceData : DataContainer
The Service Data data type consists of a service UUID with the data associated with that service.
@frozen struct GAPShortLocalName
GAP Shortened Local Name
@frozen struct GAPSimplePairingHashC
Specifies the Simple Pairing Hash C Size: 16 octets Format defined in [Vol. 2], Part H Section 7.2.2
@frozen struct GAPSimplePairingRandomizerR
Specifies the Simple Pairing Randomizer Size: 16 octets Format defined in [Vol. 2], Part H Section 7.2.2
@frozen struct GAPSlaveConnectionIntervalRange
The Slave Connection Interval Range data type contains the Peripheral’s preferred connection interval range, for all logical connections. See Vol 3, Part C, Section 12.3. Note: The minimum value depends on the battery considerations of the Peripheral and the maximum connection interval depends on the buffers available on the Peripheral. The Central should use the information from the Peripheral’s Slave Connection Interval Range data type when establishing a connection. Note: Central and Peripheral are GAP roles as defined in Vol.3, Part C, Section 2.2.2.
@frozen struct GAPTransportDiscoveryBlock<TransportData> where TransportData : DataContainer
A Transport Block includes the following fields: Organization ID, TDS Flags, Transport Data Length, and Transport Data. One or more Transport Block(s) may be present in the Transport Discovery Data AD Type. The value of the fields in this section relate only to the transport which the block describes (i.e., they pertain only to that Transport Block). The data contained in the Transport Block shall be able to be fully parsed by Clients even if size or other restrictions require that full data is in the GATT database. The structure of the Transport Block may be repeated in case there are multiple services (on the same or different transports) to advertise simultaneously.
@frozen struct GAPTransportDiscoveryData<TransportData> where TransportData : DataContainer
The Transport Discovery Data AD Type shall be present in the Advertising Data (i.e., AdvData) and may also be present in the Extended Inquiry Response (EIR). EIR and Advertising Packets may be of different sizes and may contain different information within the Transport Discovery Data AD Type.
@frozen enum GAPTransportDiscoveryDataFlag
GAP Transport Discovery Data Flag
@frozen struct GAPTxPowerLevel
The TX Power Level data type indicates the transmitted power level of the packet containing the data type. The TX Power Level should be the radiated power level.
@frozen struct GAPURI
@frozen struct GAPUnprovisionedDeviceBeacon
The Unprovisioned Device beacon is used by devices that are unprovisioned to allow them to be discovered by a Provisioner.
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
import BluetoothGATT
import BluetoothHCI
import BluetoothMacros
import BluetoothMetadata