Required Instance Methodpureswift.bluetooth 7.2.0Bluetooth
Get security level
func securityLevel() throws(Self.Error) -> SecurityLevel
Get security level
func securityLevel() throws(Self.Error) -> SecurityLevel
What are these?2LU8X
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
protocol L2CAPConnection : L2CAPSocket
associatedtype Error : Error
enum SecurityLevel
Bluetooth security level.
associatedtype Data : DataContainer
static func lowEnergyClient(address: BluetoothAddress, destination: BluetoothAddress, isRandom: Bool) throws(Self.Error) -> Self
Creates a new socket connected to the remote address specified.
var destination: BluetoothAddress { get }
func receive(_ bufferSize: Int) throws(Self.Error) -> Self.Data
Reads from the socket.
func send(_ data: Data) throws(Self.Error)
Write to the socket.
func setSecurityLevel(_ securityLevel: SecurityLevel) throws(Self.Error)
Attempts to change the socket’s security level.