Required Instance Methodpureswift.bluetooth 7.2.0Bluetooth
Data.swift:25mutating func append(_ pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, count: Int)
mutating func append(_ pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, count: Int)
What are these?R9GV
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
protocol DataContainer : Hashable, RandomAccessCollection, Sendable where Self.Element == UInt8, Self.Index == Int
Data container type.
@frozen struct UnsafePointer<Pointee> where Pointee : ~Copyable
A pointer for accessing data of a specific type.
@frozen struct UInt8
An 8-bit unsigned integer value type.
@frozen struct Int
A signed integer value type.
init<C>(_ collection: C) where C : Collection, C.Element == UInt8
subscript(index: Int) -> UInt8 { get }
static func += <C>(lhs: inout Self, rhs: C) where C : Collection, C.Element == UInt8
static func += (lhs: inout Self, rhs: UInt8)
mutating func append(_ newElement: UInt8)
mutating func append<C>(contentsOf bytes: C) where C : Collection, C.Element == UInt8
mutating func reserveCapacity(_ capacity: Int)
func subdata(in range: Range<Index>) -> Self
Return a new copy of the data in a specified range.