ServiceUUID.swift:8enum Service
enum Service
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
@frozen enum BluetoothUUID
Bluetooth UUID
Creates a random 128-bit Bluetooth UUID.
init?(_ string: String)
init?<Data>(data: Data) where Data : DataContainer
init?(rawValue: String)
Initialize from a UUID string (in big endian representation).
init(uuid: UUID)
Initialize from a Foundation.UUID
var bit128: BluetoothUUID { get }
Forceably convert BluetoothUUID
to UInt128
var byteSwapped: BluetoothUUID { get }
A representation of this Bluetooth UUID with the byte order swapped.
var dataLength: Int { get }
var description: String { get }
var metadata: BluetoothMetadata.BluetoothUUID? { get }
Fetch the metadata for the UUID.
var rawValue: String { get }
static func == (lhs: BluetoothUUID, rhs: BluetoothUUID) -> Bool
func append<Data>(to data: inout Data) where Data : DataContainer
enum Characteristic
enum Declaration
enum Descriptor
enum Member
static var alertNotification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Notification (0x1811
static var audioInputControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input Control (0x1843
static var audioStreamControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Stream Control (0x184E
static var authorizationControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Authorization Control (0x183D
static var automationIo: BluetoothUUID { get }
Automation IO (0x1815
static var basicAudioAnnouncement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Basic Audio Announcement (0x1851
static var battery: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery (0x180F
static var binarySensor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Binary Sensor (0x183B
static var bloodPressure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blood Pressure (0x1810
static var bodyComposition: BluetoothUUID { get }
Body Composition (0x181B
static var bondManagement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bond Management (0x181E
static var broadcastAudioAnnouncement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcast Audio Announcement (0x1852
static var broadcastAudioScan: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcast Audio Scan (0x184F
static var commonAudio: BluetoothUUID { get }
Common Audio (0x1853
static var constantToneExtension: BluetoothUUID { get }
Constant Tone Extension (0x184A
static var continuousGlucoseMonitoring: BluetoothUUID { get }
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (0x181F
static var coordinatedSetIdentification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Coordinated Set Identification (0x1846
static var currentTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Time (0x1805
static var cyclingPower: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Power (0x1818
static var cyclingSpeedAndCadence: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Speed and Cadence (0x1816
static var deviceInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Information (0x180A
static var deviceTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Time (0x1847
static var elapsedTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Elapsed Time (0x183F
static var electronicShelfLabel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electronic Shelf Label (0x1857
static var emergencyConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emergency Configuration (0x183C
static var environmentalSensing: BluetoothUUID { get }
Environmental Sensing (0x181A
static var fitnessMachine: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fitness Machine (0x1826
static var gamingAudio: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gaming Audio (0x1858
static var gap: BluetoothUUID { get }
GAP (0x1800
static var gatt: BluetoothUUID { get }
GATT (0x1801
static var genericHealthSensor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Generic Health Sensor (0x1840
static var genericMediaControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Generic Media Control (0x1849
static var genericTelephoneBearer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Generic Telephone Bearer (0x184C
static var glucose: BluetoothUUID { get }
Glucose (0x1808
static var healthThermometer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Health Thermometer (0x1809
static var hearingAccess: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hearing Access (0x1854
static var heartRate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Heart Rate (0x180D
static var httpProxy: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTP Proxy (0x1823
static var humanInterfaceDevice: BluetoothUUID { get }
Human Interface Device (0x1812
static var immediateAlert: BluetoothUUID { get }
Immediate Alert (0x1802
static var indoorPositioning: BluetoothUUID { get }
Indoor Positioning (0x1821
static var industrialMeasurementDevice: BluetoothUUID { get }
Industrial Measurement Device (0x185A
static var insulinDelivery: BluetoothUUID { get }
Insulin Delivery (0x183A
static var internetProtocolSupport: BluetoothUUID { get }
Internet Protocol Support (0x1820
static var linkLoss: BluetoothUUID { get }
Link Loss (0x1803
static var locationAndNavigation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Location and Navigation (0x1819
static var mediaControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Control (0x1848
static var meshProvisioning: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Provisioning (0x1827
static var meshProxy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Proxy (0x1828
static var meshProxySolicitation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Proxy Solicitation (0x1859
static var microphoneControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Microphone Control (0x184D
static var nextDstChange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Next DST Change (0x1807
static var objectTransfer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Transfer (0x1825
static var phoneAlertStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Phone Alert Status (0x180E
static var physicalActivityMonitor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Physical Activity Monitor (0x183E
static var publicBroadcastAnnouncement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Public Broadcast Announcement (0x1856
static var publishedAudioCapabilities: BluetoothUUID { get }
Published Audio Capabilities (0x1850
static var pulseOximeter: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pulse Oximeter (0x1822
static var ranging: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ranging (0x185B
static var reconnectionConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Reconnection Configuration (0x1829
static var referenceTimeUpdate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Reference Time Update (0x1806
static var runningSpeedAndCadence: BluetoothUUID { get }
Running Speed and Cadence (0x1814
static var scanParameters: BluetoothUUID { get }
Scan Parameters (0x1813
static var telephoneBearer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Telephone Bearer (0x184B
static var telephonyAndMediaAudio: BluetoothUUID { get }
Telephony and Media Audio (0x1855
static var transportDiscovery: BluetoothUUID { get }
Transport Discovery (0x1824
static var txPower: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tx Power (0x1804
static var userData: BluetoothUUID { get }
User Data (0x181C
static var volumeControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Control (0x1844
static var volumeOffsetControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Offset Control (0x1845
static var weightScale: BluetoothUUID { get }
Weight Scale (0x181D