MemberUUID.swift:8enum Member
enum Member
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
@frozen enum BluetoothUUID
Bluetooth UUID
Creates a random 128-bit Bluetooth UUID.
init?(_ string: String)
init?<Data>(data: Data) where Data : DataContainer
init?(rawValue: String)
Initialize from a UUID string (in big endian representation).
init(uuid: UUID)
Initialize from a Foundation.UUID
var bit128: BluetoothUUID { get }
Forceably convert BluetoothUUID
to UInt128
var byteSwapped: BluetoothUUID { get }
A representation of this Bluetooth UUID with the byte order swapped.
var dataLength: Int { get }
var description: String { get }
var metadata: BluetoothMetadata.BluetoothUUID? { get }
Fetch the metadata for the UUID.
var rawValue: String { get }
static func == (lhs: BluetoothUUID, rhs: BluetoothUUID) -> Bool
func append<Data>(to data: inout Data) where Data : DataContainer
enum Characteristic
enum Declaration
enum Descriptor
enum Service
static var abb: BluetoothUUID { get }
ABB Oy (0xFD99
static var abbott: BluetoothUUID { get }
Abbott (0xFD86
static var abbott2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Abbott (formerly St. Jude Medical, Inc.) (0xFE72
static var abbott23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Abbott (formerly St. Jude Medical, Inc.) (0xFE73
static var abbottDiabetesCare: BluetoothUUID { get }
Abbott Diabetes Care (0xFDE3
static var accessTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
The Access Technologies (0xFD2B
static var accessTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
The Access Technologies (0xFD2C
static var aconno: BluetoothUUID { get }
aconno GmbH (0xFCDB
static var adafruitIndustries: BluetoothUUID { get }
adafruit industries (0xFEBB
static var adheriumNz: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var adolfWuerth: BluetoothUUID { get }
Adolf Wuerth GmbH & Co KG (0xFD4C
static var aeonMotor: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var aeonMotor2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var aeonMotor23: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var aeonMotor234: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var aerosens: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aerosens LLC. (0xFD34
static var aiaiai: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var akcijuSabiedribafTehnika: BluetoothUUID { get }
Akciju sabiedriba “SAF TEHNIKA” (0xFCE0
static var alibaba: BluetoothUUID { get }
alibaba (0xFE3C
static var allegion: BluetoothUUID { get }
Allegion (0xFCF4
static var alltercoRobotics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Allterco Robotics ltd (0xFCD2
static var allthenticate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Allthenticate, Inc. (0xFCC8
static var altobeam: BluetoothUUID { get }
AltoBeam Inc. (0xFCAF
static var amazon: BluetoothUUID { get } Services, Inc. (0xFE00
static var amazon2: BluetoothUUID { get } Services, Inc. (0xFE03
static var amazon23: BluetoothUUID { get } Services, Inc.. (0xFE15
static var amazonComServices: BluetoothUUID { get } Services, LLC (0xFCDC
static var amazonLab126: BluetoothUUID { get }
Amazon Lab126 (0xFD41
static var amersports: BluetoothUUID { get }
Amersports (0xFDF3
static var amiccomElectronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
AMICCOM Electronics Corporation (0xFDF2
static var andreasStihl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG (0xFE43
static var anhuiHuamiInformationTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anhui Huami Information Technology Co., Ltd. (0xFEE0
static var anhuiHuamiInformationTechnology2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anhui Huami Information Technology Co., Ltd. (0xFEE1
static var anki: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anki, Inc. (0xFEE2
static var anki2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anki, Inc. (0xFEE3
static var aplix: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aplix Corporation (0xFEF7
static var aplix2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aplix Corporation (0xFEF8
static var appexFactory: BluetoothUUID { get }
Appex Factory S.L. (0xFCD8
static var apple: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFC94
static var apple2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFCA0
static var apple23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFCB2
static var apple234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFD43
static var apple2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFD44
static var apple23456: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFD6F
static var apple234567: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple Inc. (0xFE13
static var apple2345678: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFE25
static var apple23456789: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFE8A
static var apple2345678910: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFE8B
static var apple234567891011: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFEC7
static var apple23456789101112: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFEC8
static var apple2345678910111213: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFEC9
static var apple234567891011121314: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECA
static var apple23456789101112131415: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECB
static var apple2345678910111213141516: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECC
static var apple234567891011121314151617: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECD
static var apple23456789101112131415161718: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECE
static var apple2345678910111213141516171819: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFECF
static var apple234567891011121314151617181920: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFED0
static var apple23456789101112131415161718192021: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFED1
static var apple2345678910111213141516171819202122: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFED2
static var apple234567891011121314151617181920212223: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFED3
static var apple23456789101112131415161718192021222324: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apple, Inc. (0xFED4
static var archSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Arch Systems Inc (0xFDDD
static var arctop: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var arendi: BluetoothUUID { get }
Arendi AG (0xFD61
static var arm: BluetoothUUID { get }
ARM Ltd (0xFE8E
static var armatura: BluetoothUUID { get }
Armatura LLC (0xFCF3
static var artAndProgram: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var asahiKasei: BluetoothUUID { get }
Asahi Kasei Corporation (0xFD29
static var assaloyOpeningSolutionsSweden: BluetoothUUID { get }
ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions Sweden AB (0xFCBF
static var atericaHealth: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aterica Health Inc. (0xFE7D
static var audiodo: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audiodo AB (0xFDB3
static var augustHome: BluetoothUUID { get }
August Home Inc (0xFE24
static var automaticLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Automatic Labs (0xFDC5
static var aviOn: BluetoothUUID { get }
Avi-On (0xFCEB
static var awearSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Awear Solutions Ltd (0xFE7E
static var axonEnterprise: BluetoothUUID { get }
Axon Enterprise, Inc. (0xFC81
static var aylaNetworks: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ayla Networks (0xFE28
static var bOPlay: BluetoothUUID { get }
B&O Play A/S (0xFE46
static var bOPlay2: BluetoothUUID { get }
B&O Play A/S (0xFE89
static var badgerMeter: BluetoothUUID { get }
Badger Meter (0xFC99
static var baiduOnlineNetworkTechnologyBeijing: BluetoothUUID { get }
Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd (0xFDC2
static var baiduOnlineNetworkTechnologyBeijing2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd (0xFDC3
static var baracodaDailyHealthtech: BluetoothUUID { get }
Baracoda Daily Healthtech (0xFCE2
static var barrotTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Barrot Technology Co.,Ltd. (0xFCFC
static var barrotTechnology2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Barrot Technology Co.,Ltd. (0xFCFD
static var bayerischeMotorenWerke: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (0xFD93
static var bdMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
BD Medical (0xFE3D
static var bdMedical2: BluetoothUUID { get }
BD Medical (0xFE3E
static var beflex: BluetoothUUID { get }
Beflex Inc. (0xFD40
static var beijing99HelpSafetyTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Beijing 99help Safety Technology Co., Ltd (0xFCAD
static var beijingJingdongCenturyTrading: BluetoothUUID { get }
Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co., Ltd. (0xFE70
static var binaryPower: BluetoothUUID { get }
Binary Power, Inc. (0xFC9C
static var bitstrataSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bitstrata Systems Inc. (0xFD2E
static var bitstrataSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bitstrata Systems Inc. (0xFD2F
static var bitwards: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bitwards Oy (0xFCF2
static var blecon: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blecon Ltd (0xFD0D
static var blueBite: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blue Bite (0xFE83
static var blueIrisLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blue Iris Labs, Inc. (0xFC8E
static var blueSparkTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blue Spark Technologies, Inc. (0xFEC2
static var blueid: BluetoothUUID { get }
BlueID GmbH (0xFCBA
static var bose: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bose Corporation (0xFC8F
static var bose2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bose Corporation (0xFDD2
static var bose23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bose Corporation (0xFE21
static var bose234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bose Corporation (0xFEBE
static var bradyWorldwide: BluetoothUUID { get }
Brady Worldwide Inc. (0xFD1C
static var bragi: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bragi GmbH (0xFE7A
static var braveheartWireless: BluetoothUUID { get }
Braveheart Wireless, Inc. (0xFD55
static var brcontrolsProducts: BluetoothUUID { get }
BRControls Products BV (0xFD73
static var brcontrolsProducts2: BluetoothUUID { get }
BRControls Products BV (0xFD74
static var brgSports: BluetoothUUID { get }
BRG Sports, Inc. (0xFD13
static var brgSports2: BluetoothUUID { get }
BRG Sports, Inc. (0xFD14
static var broadcom: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcom (0xFED6
static var broadcom2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcom (0xFED7
static var bromptonBicycle: BluetoothUUID { get }
Brompton Bicycle Ltd (0xFDD5
static var bullGroup: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bull Group Incorporated Company (0xFD08
static var buschJaegerElektro: BluetoothUUID { get }
Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH (0xFDC9
static var caire: BluetoothUUID { get }
Caire Inc. (0xFC8D
static var californiaThings: BluetoothUUID { get }
California Things Inc. (0xFDBE
static var californiaThings2: BluetoothUUID { get }
California Things Inc. (0xFDBF
static var candyHouse: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var capsleTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Capsle Technologies Inc. (0xFE68
static var capsleTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Capsle Technologies Inc. (0xFE69
static var casambiTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Casambi Technologies Oy (0xFE4D
static var cccDelUruguay: BluetoothUUID { get }
CCC del Uruguay (0xFC88
static var centerForAdvancedResearchWernherVonBraun: BluetoothUUID { get }
Center for Advanced Research Wernher Von Braun (0xFD7D
static var chessWise: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chess Wise B.V. (0xFCEA
static var chipolo: BluetoothUUID { get }
CHIPOLO d.o.o. (0xFE33
static var chipolo2: BluetoothUUID { get }
CHIPOLO d.o.o. (0xFE65
static var cloverNetwork: BluetoothUUID { get }
Clover Network, Inc. (0xFDBD
static var cloverNetwork2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Clover Network, Inc (0xFEBD
static var cocaCola: BluetoothUUID { get }
The Coca-Cola Company (0xFD9E
static var cognosos: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cognosos, Inc (0xFD3F
static var coin: BluetoothUUID { get }
Coin, Inc. (0xFEDE
static var comcastCable: BluetoothUUID { get }
Comcast Cable Corporation (0xFDB9
static var comcastCable2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Comcast Cable Corporation (0xFDBA
static var connectedYard: BluetoothUUID { get }
Connected Yard, Inc. (0xFE63
static var coreTransportTechnologiesNz: BluetoothUUID { get }
CORE Transport Technologies NZ Limited (0xFE05
static var cosmed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cosmed s.r.l. (0xFCCA
static var cousinsAndSears: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cousins and Sears LLC (0xFD09
static var crescoWireless: BluetoothUUID { get }
CRESCO Wireless, Inc (0xFE2F
static var cronologics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cronologics Corporation (0xFE5A
static var csiro: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var csr: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var csr2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var csr23: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var currant: BluetoothUUID { get }
Currant Inc (0xFE98
static var currant2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Currant Inc (0xFE99
static var daisyworks: BluetoothUUID { get }
DaisyWorks, Inc. (0xFE2A
static var danfoss: BluetoothUUID { get }
Danfoss A/S (0xFD38
static var dashlogic: BluetoothUUID { get }
DashLogic, Inc. (0xFD33
static var dellComputer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dell Computer Corporation (0xFC9E
static var deltaDevelopmentTeam: BluetoothUUID { get }
Delta Development Team, Inc (0xFC9F
static var designShift: BluetoothUUID { get }
Design SHIFT (0xFEDF
static var dexcom: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dexcom Inc (0xFEBC
static var dhl: BluetoothUUID { get }
DHL (0xFC78
static var dialogSemiconductor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dialog Semiconductor GmbH (0xFEF5
static var disneyWorldwideServices: BluetoothUUID { get }
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. (0xFD98
static var divesoft: BluetoothUUID { get }
Divesoft s.r.o. (0xFCEF
static var dolbyLaboratories: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dolby Laboratories (0xFE3B
static var domSicherheitstechnik: BluetoothUUID { get }
DOM Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG (0xFD23
static var dopplerLab: BluetoothUUID { get }
Doppler Lab (0xFE7F
static var dopplerLab2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Doppler Lab (0xFE80
static var dottedLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dotted Labs (0xFE57
static var draeger: BluetoothUUID { get }
Draeger (0xFCDA
static var drowsyDigital: BluetoothUUID { get }
Drowsy Digital, Inc. (0xFCBC
static var duracellUSOperations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Duracell U.S. Operations Inc. (0xFE01
static var ecsg: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var electronicsTomorrow: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electronics Tomorrow Limited (0xFEB1
static var eliLillyAndcompany: BluetoothUUID { get }
Eli Lilly and Company (0xFDC6
static var eliLillyAndcompany2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Eli Lilly and Company (0xFDC7
static var embeint: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var emerson: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emerson (0xFD6A
static var emerson2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emerson (0xFDBC
static var emerson23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emerson (0xFDD7
static var emerson234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emerson (0xFE20
static var eri: BluetoothUUID { get }
ERi,Inc. (0xFE2E
static var estimote: BluetoothUUID { get }
Estimote (0xFE9A
static var eyefi: BluetoothUUID { get }
Eyefi, Inc. (0xFE5F
static var fisherPaykelHealthcare: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (0xFCD3
static var flextronicsInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Flextronics International USA Inc. (0xFE14
static var footmarks: BluetoothUUID { get }
Footmarks, Inc. (0xFE16
static var fordMotor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ford Motor Company (0xFCB0
static var fortinElectronicSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fortin Electronic Systems (0xFDCA
static var fortinElectronicSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fortin Electronic Systems (0xFDE1
static var fridayLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Friday Labs Limited (0xFE3F
static var fubaAutomotiveElectronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
FUBA Automotive Electronics GmbH (0xFDD3
static var furunoElectric: BluetoothUUID { get }
Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. (0xFC92
static var futekAdvancedSensorTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. (0xFD00
static var garminInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Garmin International, Inc. (0xFE1F
static var gastec: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gastec Corporation (0xFD9D
static var gbSolution: BluetoothUUID { get }
GB Solution co.,Ltd (0xFD45
static var gdMideaAirConditioningEquipment: BluetoothUUID { get }
GD Midea Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. (0xFD24
static var gdMideaAirConditioningEquipment2: BluetoothUUID { get }
GD Midea Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. (0xFD25
static var geberitInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Geberit International AG (0xFD48
static var gemaltoHolding: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gemalto Holding BV (0xFD32
static var generalMotors: BluetoothUUID { get }
General Motors (0xFE47
static var generalMotors2: BluetoothUUID { get }
General Motors (0xFE48
static var gibsonInnovations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gibson Innovations (0xFE29
static var gimbal: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gimbal, Inc. (0xFEFC
static var gimbal2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gimbal, Inc. (0xFEFD
static var globeJiangsu: BluetoothUUID { get }
Globe (Jiangsu) Co.,Ltd (0xFD42
static var gmcIMesstechnik: BluetoothUUID { get }
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH (0xFE11
static var gnHearing: BluetoothUUID { get }
GN Hearing A/S (0xFD20
static var gnHearing2: BluetoothUUID { get }
GN Hearing A/S (0xFD71
static var gnHearing23: BluetoothUUID { get }
GN Hearing A/S (0xFEFE
static var gnNetcom: BluetoothUUID { get }
GN Netcom (0xFEFF
static var google: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFC73
static var google2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFCB1
static var google23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFCCF
static var google234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFCF1
static var google2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD36
static var google23456: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD62
static var google234567: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD63
static var google2345678: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD87
static var google23456789: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD8C
static var google2345678910: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFD96
static var google234567891011: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFDE2
static var google23456789101112: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFDF0
static var google2345678910111213: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE19
static var google234567891011121314: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE26
static var google23456789101112131415: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE27
static var google2345678910111213141516: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE2C
static var google234567891011121314151617: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE50
static var google23456789101112131415161718: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE55
static var google2345678910111213141516171819: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE56
static var google234567891011121314151617181920: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFE9F
static var google23456789101112131415161718192021: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFEA0
static var google2345678910111213141516171819202122: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFEAA
static var google234567891011121314151617181920212223: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFED8
static var google23456789101112131415161718192021222324: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFEF3
static var google2345678910111213141516171819202122232425: BluetoothUUID { get }
Google LLC (0xFEF4
static var gopro: BluetoothUUID { get }
GoPro, Inc. (0xFEA5
static var gopro2: BluetoothUUID { get }
GoPro, Inc. (0xFEA6
static var griffwerk: BluetoothUUID { get }
Griffwerk GmbH (0xFCEC
static var grooveX: BluetoothUUID { get }
Groove X, Inc. (0xFD91
static var grooveX2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Groove X, Inc (0xFDA1
static var grooveX23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Groove X, Inc (0xFDA2
static var grundfos: BluetoothUUID { get }
Grundfos A/S (0xFE5D
static var gsiLaboratories: BluetoothUUID { get }
GSI Laboratories, Inc. (0xFE9C
static var gtTronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
GT-tronics HK Ltd (0xFE5B
static var guangdongHengqinXingtongTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Guangdong Hengqin Xingtong Technology Co.,ltd. (0xFC67
static var guangdongOppoMobileTelecommunications: BluetoothUUID { get }
GuangDong Oppo Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd (0xFD70
static var guangzhouSupersoundInformationTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Guangzhou SuperSound Information Technology Co.,Ltd (0xFD90
static var guardRfidSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Guard RFID Solutions Inc. (0xFCE6
static var gunneboAktiebolag: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gunnebo Aktiebolag (0xFCA3
static var gwaHygiene: BluetoothUUID { get }
GWA Hygiene GmbH (0xFDB6
static var hachDanaher: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hach – Danaher (0xFDC8
static var hangzhouTuyaInformationTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hangzhou Tuya Information Technology Co., Ltd (0xFD50
static var harmanInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Harman International (0xFC69
static var harmanInternational2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Harman International (0xFC7E
static var harmanInternational23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Harman International (0xFDDF
static var haywardIndustries: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var heliosSports: BluetoothUUID { get }
Helios Sports, Inc. (0xFD1B
static var herddogg: BluetoothUUID { get }
HerdDogg, Inc (0xFD0E
static var hewlettPackard: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hewlett-Packard Company (0xFE77
static var hewlettPackard2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hewlett-Packard Company (0xFE78
static var hewlettPackardEnterprise: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (0xFD94
static var hippoCampSoftware: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hippo Camp Software Ltd. (0xFC95
static var hiveZoxInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hive-Zox International SA (0xFC71
static var honorDevice: BluetoothUUID { get }
Honor Device Co., Ltd. (0xFCF7
static var honorDevice2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Honor Device Co., Ltd. (0xFCF8
static var houwaSystemDesignKK: BluetoothUUID { get }
Houwa System Design, k.k. (0xFDAD
static var houwaSystemDesignKK2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Houwa System Design, k.k. (0xFDAE
static var hp: BluetoothUUID { get }
HP Inc. (0xFCA4
static var hp2: BluetoothUUID { get }
HP Inc. (0xFCC3
static var hp23: BluetoothUUID { get }
HP Inc (0xFDB4
static var hp234: BluetoothUUID { get }
HP Inc. (0xFDF7
static var huaweiTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFD21
static var huaweiTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFD22
static var huaweiTechnologies23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFD9A
static var huaweiTechnologies234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFD9B
static var huaweiTechnologies2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFD9C
static var huaweiTechnologies23456: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd (0xFDD0
static var huaweiTechnologies234567: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd (0xFDD1
static var huaweiTechnologies2345678: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (0xFDEE
static var huaweiTechnologies23456789: BluetoothUUID { get }
HUAWEI Technologies Co., Ltd (0xFE35
static var huaweiTechnologies2345678910: BluetoothUUID { get }
HUAWEI Technologies Co., Ltd (0xFE36
static var huaweiTechnologies234567891011: BluetoothUUID { get }
HUAWEI Technologies Co., Ltd (0xFE86
static var hubbleNetwork: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hubble Network Inc. (0xFCA6
static var hubbleNetwork2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hubble Network Inc. (0xFCA7
static var hunterDouglas: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hunter Douglas (0xFDC0
static var hunterDouglas2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hunter Douglas (0xFDC1
static var huso: BluetoothUUID { get }
Huso, INC (0xFCD9
static var husqvarna: BluetoothUUID { get }
Husqvarna AB (0xFD7F
static var husqvarna2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Husqvarna AB (0xFD85
static var ihealthLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
iHealth Labs, Inc. (0xFC83
static var illuminatiInstrument: BluetoothUUID { get }
Illuminati Instrument Corporation (0xFE1D
static var imagineMarketing: BluetoothUUID { get }
Imagine Marketing Limited (0xFCAE
static var indagemTech: BluetoothUUID { get }
Indagem Tech LLC (0xFE62
static var informTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
iNFORM Technology GmbH (0xFD83
static var inia: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var inria: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var inseego: BluetoothUUID { get }
Inseego Corp. (0xFDA3
static var inseego2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Inseego Corp. (0xFDA4
static var insulet: BluetoothUUID { get }
Insulet Corporation (0xFD75
static var insulet2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Insulet Corporation (0xFD76
static var integratedIlluminationSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Integrated Illumination Systems, Inc. (0xFD27
static var intel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intel Corporation (0xFC89
static var intel2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intel Corporation (0xFC8A
static var intel23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intel Corporation (0xFE66
static var intel234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intel (0xFEF0
static var intellettoTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intelletto Technologies Inc (0xFDE6
static var interaxon: BluetoothUUID { get }
Interaxon Inc. (0xFE8D
static var intrepidControlSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. (0xFEA1
static var intrepidControlSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. (0xFEA2
static var inugoSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Inugo Systems Limited (0xFE40
static var inugoSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Inugo Systems Limited (0xFE41
static var iodyne: BluetoothUUID { get }
iodyne, LLC (0xFC72
static var iriss: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var iriss2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var isscTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
ISSC Technologies Corp. (0xFEDA
static var ittIndustries: BluetoothUUID { get }
ITT Industries (0xFCE8
static var ittIndustries2: BluetoothUUID { get }
ITT Industries (0xFE2B
static var ittIndustries23: BluetoothUUID { get }
ITT Industries (0xFEA3
static var japanDisplay: BluetoothUUID { get }
Japan Display Inc. (0xFC97
static var jardenSafetySecurity: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jarden Safety & Security (0xFE92
static var jawbone: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jawbone (0xFEDC
static var jawbone2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jawbone (0xFEDD
static var jiangsuTeranovoTech: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jiangsu Teranovo Tech Co., Ltd. (0xFDD8
static var jiangsuTeranovoTech2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jiangsu Teranovo Tech Co., Ltd. (0xFDD9
static var jigowatts: BluetoothUUID { get }
Jigowatts Inc. (0xFD8B
static var johnDeere: BluetoothUUID { get }
John Deere (0xFDE0
static var juliusBlum: BluetoothUUID { get }
Julius Blum GmbH (0xFD28
static var juma: BluetoothUUID { get }
JUMA (0xFE90
static var juneLife: BluetoothUUID { get }
June Life, Inc. (0xFD97
static var juulLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
JUUL Labs, Inc. (0xFDE4
static var kasperskyLabMiddleEastFzLlc: BluetoothUUID { get }
Kaspersky Lab Middle East FZ-LLC (0xFC8B
static var kddi: BluetoothUUID { get }
KDDI Corporation (0xFEC0
static var kddi2: BluetoothUUID { get }
KDDI Corporation (0xFEC1
static var kocomojo: BluetoothUUID { get }
Kocomojo, LLC (0xFEC6
static var komatsu: BluetoothUUID { get }
Komatsu Ltd. (0xFC93
static var kontaktMicroLocation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Kontakt Micro-Location Sp. z o.o. (0xFE6A
static var labSensorSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Lab Sensor Solutions (0xFE67
static var laerdalMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
Laerdal Medical AS (0xFCD0
static var lamplight: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var lamplight2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var lamplight23: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var lapisTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
LAPIS Technology Co., Ltd. (0xFE10
static var legicIdentsystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
LEGIC Identsystems AG (0xFD17
static var legicIdentsystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
LEGIC Identsystems AG (0xFD18
static var legoSystem: BluetoothUUID { get }
LEGO System A/S (0xFC96
static var legoSystem2: BluetoothUUID { get }
LEGO System A/S (0xFD02
static var lemcoIke: BluetoothUUID { get }
Lemco IKE (0xFD46
static var lenovoSingaporePte: BluetoothUUID { get }
Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd. (0xFC9D
static var leupoldStevens: BluetoothUUID { get }
Leupold & Stevens, Inc. (0xFCF9
static var leupoldStevens2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Leupold & Stevens, Inc. (0xFCFA
static var lgElectronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
LG Electronics Inc. (0xFC79
static var lgElectronics2: BluetoothUUID { get }
LG Electronics Inc. (0xFD31
static var lgElectronics23: BluetoothUUID { get }
LG Electronics (0xFEB9
static var libertyGlobal: BluetoothUUID { get }
Liberty Global Inc. (0xFD47
static var lierdaScienceTechnologyGroup: BluetoothUUID { get }
Lierda Science & Technology Group Co., Ltd. (0xFE60
static var line: BluetoothUUID { get }
LINE Corporation (0xFE6F
static var linuxFoundation: BluetoothUUID { get }
The Linux Foundation (0xFCF6
static var livanova: BluetoothUUID { get }
LivaNova USA Inc. (0xFDB7
static var livanova2: BluetoothUUID { get }
LivaNova USA Inc. (0xFDB8
static var logitechInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Logitech International SA (0xFD72
static var logitechInternational2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Logitech International SA (0xFE61
static var lumiUnitedTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Lumi United Technology Co., Ltd (0xFCB9
static var luminostics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminostics, Inc. (0xFD0A
static var luminostics2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminostics, Inc. (0xFD0B
static var lunaHealth: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luna Health, Inc. (0xFCCE
static var lxSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
LX Solutions Pty Limited (0xFDD4
static var mWaySolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
M-Way Solutions GmbH (0xFE12
static var mannkind: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mannkind Corporation (0xFDEC
static var matrixComsec: BluetoothUUID { get }
Matrix ComSec Pvt. Ltd. (0xFD8F
static var maxonMotor: BluetoothUUID { get }
maxon motor ltd. (0xFD5D
static var medtronic: BluetoothUUID { get }
Medtronic Inc. (0xFCA8
static var medtronic2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Medtronic Inc. (0xFCA9
static var medtronic23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Medtronic Inc. (0xFE81
static var medtronic234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Medtronic Inc. (0xFE82
static var meggitt: BluetoothUUID { get }
Meggitt SA (0xFDCB
static var meizuTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Meizu Technology Co., Ltd. (0xFCA2
static var merryElectronicsSPte: BluetoothUUID { get }
Merry Electronics (S) Pte Ltd (0xFC9B
static var metaPlatforms: BluetoothUUID { get }
Meta Platforms, Inc. (0xFEB7
static var metaPlatforms2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Meta Platforms, Inc. (0xFEB8
static var metaPlatformsTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC (0xFD5F
static var mhcs: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var microsoft: BluetoothUUID { get }
Microsoft (0xFE08
static var microsoft2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Microsoft Corporation (0xFEB2
static var millionHunters: BluetoothUUID { get }
million hunters GmbH (0xFE5C
static var milwaukeeElectricTools: BluetoothUUID { get }
Milwaukee Electric Tools (0xFDF5
static var mindrhythm: BluetoothUUID { get }
MindRhythm, Inc. (0xFCE9
static var ministryOfSupply: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ministry of Supply (0xFDD6
static var mmlUs: BluetoothUUID { get }
MML US, Inc (0xFC7D
static var mobilaris: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mobilaris AB (0xFCDD
static var mobiquityNetworks: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mobiquity Networks Inc (0xFE9D
static var molekule: BluetoothUUID { get }
Molekule, Inc. (0xFE4F
static var montblancSimplo: BluetoothUUID { get }
Montblanc Simplo GmbH (0xFD67
static var motiv: BluetoothUUID { get }
Motiv, Inc. (0xFE54
static var motiveTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var motiveTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var motorolaMobility: BluetoothUUID { get }
Motorola Mobility, LLC (0xFC7C
static var motorolaSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Motorola Solutions (0xFD8E
static var motorolaSolutions2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Motorola Solutions, Inc. (0xFE04
static var musenConnect: BluetoothUUID { get }
Musen Connect, Inc. (0xFCBE
static var naluMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nalu Medical, Inc (0xFDCF
static var nestLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nest Labs Inc (0xFEAF
static var nestLabs2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nest Labs Inc (0xFEB0
static var netmedia: BluetoothUUID { get }
NetMedia, Inc. (0xFE1C
static var nets: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nets A/S (0xFE42
static var neurostimOab: BluetoothUUID { get }
Neurostim OAB, Inc. (0xFDA5
static var nextsense: BluetoothUUID { get }
NextSense, Inc. (0xFC6F
static var ningboFotileKitchenware: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var nio: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var nod: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nod, Inc. (0xFEBF
static var nokia: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nokia (0xFEAB
static var nokia2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nokia (0xFEAC
static var nokia23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nokia (0xFEAD
static var nokia234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nokia (0xFEAE
static var noodleTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Noodle Technology Inc. (0xFDDE
static var nordicSemiconductor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nordic Semiconductor ASA (0xFE58
static var nordicSemiconductor2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nordic Semiconductor ASA (0xFE59
static var nordicSemiconductor23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nordic Semiconductor ASA (0xFEE4
static var nordicSemiconductor234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nordic Semiconductor ASA (0xFEE5
static var nortekSecurityControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nortek Security & Control (0xFCD5
static var novoNordisk: BluetoothUUID { get }
Novo Nordisk A/S (0xFD26
static var nttDocomo: BluetoothUUID { get }
NTT docomo (0xFE4E
static var oEMControls: BluetoothUUID { get }
O. E. M. Controls, Inc. (0xFDF4
static var omronDalianCoLtd: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronDalianCoLtd2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronHealthcare: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronHealthcare2: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronHealthcare23: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronHealthcare234: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var omronHealthcare2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var onvocal: BluetoothUUID { get }
Onvocal (0xFDF8
static var optrel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Optrel AG (0xFDFC
static var orionLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
Orion Labs, Inc. (0xFE7B
static var osm: BluetoothUUID { get }
OSM HK Limited (0xFD0C
static var osram: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var ottoqIn: BluetoothUUID { get }
OttoQ In (0xFE93
static var ottoqIn2: BluetoothUUID { get }
OttoQ In (0xFE94
static var ouraHealth: BluetoothUUID { get }
Oura Health Ltd (0xFDB0
static var ouraHealth2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Oura Health Ltd (0xFDB1
static var outshinyIndia: BluetoothUUID { get }
Outshiny India Private Limited (0xFC7A
static var panasonic: BluetoothUUID { get }
Panasonic Corporation (0xFD15
static var panasonic2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Panasonic Corporation (0xFD49
static var paxtonAccess: BluetoothUUID { get }
Paxton Access Ltd (0xFEA4
static var paypal: BluetoothUUID { get }
PayPal, Inc. (0xFEF9
static var paypal2: BluetoothUUID { get }
PayPal, Inc. (0xFEFA
static var pb: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var pci: BluetoothUUID { get }
PCI Private Limited (0xFD53
static var pebbleTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pebble Technology Corporation (0xFED9
static var perka: BluetoothUUID { get }
Perka, Inc. (0xFEDB
static var pfSchweisstechnologie: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var phindexTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Phindex Technologies, Inc (0xFD80
static var pillsy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pillsy, Inc. (0xFE09
static var plantronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Plantronics Inc. (0xFED5
static var plastc: BluetoothUUID { get }
Plastc Corporation (0xFE5E
static var plockatSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Plockat Solutions AB (0xFC9A
static var plumeDesign: BluetoothUUID { get }
Plume Design Inc. (0xFD1E
static var plumeDesign2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Plume Design Inc (0xFE71
static var plusLocationSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
PLUS Location Systems (0xFEC4
static var polarElectro: BluetoothUUID { get }
Polar Electro Oy (0xFEEE
static var polarElectro2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Polar Electro Oy (0xFEEF
static var poleStar: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pole Star (0xFDED
static var polidea: BluetoothUUID { get }
Polidea sp. z o.o. (0xFD6E
static var portableMultimedia: BluetoothUUID { get }
Portable Multimedia Ltd (0xFDB2
static var powerpal: BluetoothUUID { get }
PowerPal Pty Ltd (0xFCD7
static var powerstickCom: BluetoothUUID { get } (0xFC6C
static var prediktas: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var proMark: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pro-Mark, Inc. (0xFE32
static var procterGamble: BluetoothUUID { get }
Procter & Gamble (0xFE0C
static var procterGamble2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Procter & Gamble (0xFE0D
static var profoto: BluetoothUUID { get }
Profoto (0xFDBB
static var psaPeugeotCitroen: BluetoothUUID { get }
PSA Peugeot Citroën (0xFDA8
static var pureWatercraft: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pure Watercraft, inc. (0xFD3E
static var qingdaoHaierTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qingdao Haier Technology Co., Ltd. (0xFD54
static var qingdaoYeelinkInformationTechnology青岛亿联客信息技术有限公司: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qingdao Yeelink Information Technology Co., Ltd. ( 青岛亿联客信息技术有限公司 ) (0xFE87
static var qingpingTechnologyBeijing: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qingping Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (0xFDCD
static var qualcommTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (0xFCC2
static var qualcommTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (0xFD05
static var qualcommTechnologies23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (0xFE06
static var qualcommTechnologiesInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. (QTIL) (0xFD92
static var quintic: BluetoothUUID { get }
Quintic Corp. (0xFEE8
static var quintic2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Quintic Corp. (0xFEE9
static var quipNyc: BluetoothUUID { get }
quip NYC Inc. (0xFD8D
static var quuppa: BluetoothUUID { get }
Quuppa Oy (0xFD03
static var raceAi: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var rapitag: BluetoothUUID { get }
rapitag GmbH (0xFD6B
static var razer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Razer Inc. (0xFD65
static var reactMobile: BluetoothUUID { get }
React Mobile (0xFD5C
static var realtekSemiconductor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (0xFEC5
static var recursivesoft: BluetoothUUID { get }
RecursiveSoft Inc. (0xFDFD
static var redlineCommunications: BluetoothUUID { get }
Redline Communications Inc. (0xFD3C
static var renesasDesignNetherlands: BluetoothUUID { get }
Renesas Design Netherlands B.V. (0xFE9E
static var resmed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Resmed Ltd (0xFD56
static var rfDigital: BluetoothUUID { get }
RF Digital Corp (0xFE84
static var rfDigital2: BluetoothUUID { get }
RF Digital Corp (0xFE85
static var rhombusSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Rhombus Systems, Inc. (0xFDA9
static var ribbiot: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ribbiot, INC. (0xFCB8
static var rigado: BluetoothUUID { get }
Rigado (0xFD95
static var righ: BluetoothUUID { get }
RIGH, INC. (0xFC68
static var robertBosch: BluetoothUUID { get }
Robert Bosch GmbH (0xFDE8
static var robertBosch2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Robert Bosch GmbH (0xFE02
static var roborElectronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Robor Electronics B.V. (0xFC65
static var runtime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Runtime, Inc. (0xFE18
static var ruuviInnovations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ruuvi Innovations Ltd. (0xFC98
static var ruwidoAustria: BluetoothUUID { get }
ruwido austria gmbh (0xFE0A
static var ruwidoAustria2: BluetoothUUID { get }
ruwido austria gmbh (0xFE0B
static var saltoSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var samsaraNetworks: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsara Networks, Inc (0xFC86
static var samsaraNetworks2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsara Networks, Inc (0xFC87
static var samsaraNetworks23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsara Networks, Inc (0xFCE4
static var samsaraNetworks234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsara Networks, Inc (0xFCE5
static var samsaraNetworks2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsara Networks, Inc (0xFE9B
static var samsungElectronics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFC91
static var samsungElectronics2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (0xFD1D
static var samsungElectronics23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFD4B
static var samsungElectronics234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFD59
static var samsungElectronics2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFD5A
static var samsungElectronics23456: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (0xFD69
static var samsungElectronics234567: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFD6C
static var samsungElectronics2345678: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFD7E
static var samsungElectronics23456789: BluetoothUUID { get }
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (0xFDDB
static var sanvitaMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sanvita Medical Corporation (0xFD01
static var savantSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Savant Systems LLC (0xFEA8
static var savantSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Savant Systems LLC (0xFEA9
static var secom: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var secugen: BluetoothUUID { get }
Secugen Corporation (0xFDA0
static var securityEnhancementSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
Security Enhancement Systems, LLC (0xFCF0
static var seescan: BluetoothUUID { get }
SeeScan, Inc (0xFDEA
static var senionlab: BluetoothUUID { get }
SenionLab AB (0xFE49
static var sennheiserElectronic: BluetoothUUID { get }
SENNHEISER electronic GmbH & Co. KG (0xFDCE
static var sensitech: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sensitech, Inc. (0xFD16
static var sercomm: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sercomm Corporation (0xFD60
static var sesImagotag: BluetoothUUID { get }
SES-Imagotag (0xFC8C
static var sesamSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sesam Solutions BV (0xFD30
static var setec: BluetoothUUID { get }
Setec Pty Ltd (0xFE0E
static var setpointMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
SetPoint Medical (0xFE52
static var shanghaiImilabTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Shanghai Imilab Technology Co.,Ltd (0xFE91
static var sharkninjaOperating: BluetoothUUID { get }
SharkNinja Operating LLC (0xFCBB
static var shenzhenBenweiMedia: BluetoothUUID { get }
Shenzhen Benwei Media Co.,Ltd. (0xFCD1
static var shenzhenBenweiMedia2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Shenzhen Benwei Media Co., Ltd. (0xFCFB
static var shoofTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Shoof Technologies (0xFDCC
static var shure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Shure Inc. (0xFD04
static var siemens: BluetoothUUID { get }
Siemens AG (0xFE64
static var sigmaElektro: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sigma Elektro GmbH (0xFD4A
static var sigmaElektro2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sigma Elektro GmbH (0xFD6D
static var signifyNetherlands: BluetoothUUID { get }
Signify Netherlands B.V. (0xFD8A
static var signifyNetherlands2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Signify Netherlands B.V. (formerly Philips Lighting B.V.) (0xFE0F
static var signifyNetherlands23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Signify Netherlands B.V. (formerly Philips Lighting B.V.) (0xFE4B
static var silvair: BluetoothUUID { get }
Silvair, Inc. (0xFEE6
static var simavitaAust: BluetoothUUID { get }
Simavita (Aust) Pty Ltd (0xFDC4
static var singSunTechnologyInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var skTelecom: BluetoothUUID { get }
SK Telecom (0xFE44
static var skyhawkeTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
SkyHawke Technologies (0xFCC9
static var smallloop: BluetoothUUID { get }
SmallLoop LLC (0xFE34
static var smithNephewMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
Smith & Nephew Medical Limited (0xFCE3
static var smithNephewMedical2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Smith & Nephew Medical Limited (0xFD19
static var smk: BluetoothUUID { get }
SMK Corporation (0xFDE5
static var snapchat: BluetoothUUID { get }
Snapchat Inc (0xFE45
static var sonitorTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var sonos: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sonos Inc (0xFC6A
static var sonos2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sonos Inc (0xFC6B
static var sonos23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sonos, Inc. (0xFE07
static var sonovaConsumerHearing: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sonova Consumer Hearing GmbH (0xFCFE
static var sony: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sony Corporation (0xFD2A
static var sony2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sony Corporation (0xFD82
static var sonyGroup: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sony Group Corporation (0xFCE1
static var southco: BluetoothUUID { get }
Southco (0xFC7F
static var spaceek: BluetoothUUID { get }
Spaceek LTD (0xFE37
static var spaceek2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Spaceek LTD (0xFE38
static var spacesaver: BluetoothUUID { get }
Spacesaver Corporation (0xFDE9
static var spintly: BluetoothUUID { get }
Spintly, Inc. (0xFCAA
static var sram: BluetoothUUID { get }
SRAM (0xFE51
static var stryker: BluetoothUUID { get }
stryker (0xFC6E
static var swedlock: BluetoothUUID { get }
Swedlock AB (0xFD07
static var sween: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var swirlNetworks: BluetoothUUID { get }
Swirl Networks, Inc. (0xFEEA
static var swirlNetworks2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Swirl Networks, Inc. (0xFEEB
static var swissinnoSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var syntronix: BluetoothUUID { get }
Syntronix Corporation (0xFDEB
static var tMobileUsa: BluetoothUUID { get }
T-Mobile USA (0xFCB7
static var tandemDiabetesCare: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tandem Diabetes Care (0xFDFA
static var tandemDiabetesCare2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tandem Diabetes Care (0xFDFB
static var tangome: BluetoothUUID { get }
TangoMe (0xFE75
static var tangome2: BluetoothUUID { get }
TangoMe (0xFE76
static var taobao: BluetoothUUID { get }
Taobao (0xFEB3
static var tapkey: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tapkey GmbH (0xFD5E
static var taserInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
TASER International, Inc. (0xFE6B
static var taserInternational2: BluetoothUUID { get }
TASER International, Inc. (0xFE6C
static var teleSystemCommunicationsPte: BluetoothUUID { get }
TELE System Communications Pte. Ltd. (0xFC80
static var telitWirelessSolutions: BluetoothUUID { get }
Telit Wireless Solutions GmbH (0xFE17
static var telitWirelessSolutionsFormerlyStollmannEV: BluetoothUUID { get }
Telit Wireless Solutions (Formerly Stollmann E+V GmbH) (0xFE7C
static var telitWirelessSolutionsFormerlyStollmannEV2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Telit Wireless Solutions (Formerly Stollmann E+V GmbH) (0xFEFB
static var tencentHoldings: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tencent Holdings Limited (0xFEBA
static var tencentHoldings2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tencent Holdings Limited. (0xFEE7
static var tentacleSync: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tentacle Sync GmbH (0xFDAC
static var teslaMotors: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tesla Motors Inc. (0xFE96
static var teslaMotors2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tesla Motors Inc. (0xFE97
static var testoSeKgaa: BluetoothUUID { get }
Testo SE & Co. KGaA (0xFC7B
static var tile: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tile, Inc. (0xFD84
static var tile2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tile, Inc. (0xFEEC
static var tile23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tile, Inc. (0xFEED
static var timecodeSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var tirecheck: BluetoothUUID { get }
TireCheck GmbH (0xFD37
static var tkhSecurity: BluetoothUUID { get }
TKH Security B.V. (0xFCE7
static var toshiba: BluetoothUUID { get }
Toshiba Corporation (0xFCBD
static var toshibaInformationSystemsJapan: BluetoothUUID { get }
Toshiba Information Systems(Japan) Corporation (0xFD7C
static var toto: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var transsionHoldings: BluetoothUUID { get }
Transsion Holdings Limited (0xFD35
static var tridentCommunicationTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Trident Communication Technology, LLC (0xFCF5
static var tronForum: BluetoothUUID { get }
TRON Forum (0xFE8C
static var ttsTooltechnicSystems: BluetoothUUID { get }
TTS Tooltechnic Systems AG & Co. KG (0xFE39
static var ttsTooltechnicSystems2: BluetoothUUID { get }
TTS Tooltechnic Systems AG & Co. KG (0xFE3A
static var tytoLife: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tyto Life LLC (0xFE1A
static var tytoLife2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tyto Life LLC (0xFE1B
static var ubiqueInnovation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ubique Innovation AG (0xFD68
static var universityOfTokyo: BluetoothUUID { get }
The University of Tokyo (0xFE6D
static var universityOfTokyo2: BluetoothUUID { get }
The University of Tokyo (0xFE6E
static var unwire: BluetoothUUID { get }
unwire (0xFE74
static var urbanminded: BluetoothUUID { get }
Urbanminded LTD (0xFD88
static var urbanminded2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Urbanminded LTD (0xFD89
static var utcFireAndSecurity: BluetoothUUID { get }
UTC Fire and Security (0xFD51
static var utcFireAndSecurity2: BluetoothUUID { get }
UTC Fire and Security (0xFD52
static var utcFireAndSecurity23: BluetoothUUID { get }
UTC Fire and Security (0xFEA7
static var uuid360Fly: BluetoothUUID { get }
360fly, Inc. (0xFEC3
static var uuid3M: BluetoothUUID { get }
3M (0xFD1F
static var uuid3M2: BluetoothUUID { get }
3M (0xFE53
static var uuid4IiiiInnovations: BluetoothUUID { get }
4iiii Innovations Inc. (0xFDDC
static var uuid701X: BluetoothUUID { get }
701x (0xFCFF
static var uuid70Mai: BluetoothUUID { get }
70mai Co.,Ltd. (0xFD4D
static var uuid70Mai2: BluetoothUUID { get }
70mai Co.,Ltd. (0xFD4E
static var v2Soft: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var velentium: BluetoothUUID { get }
Velentium, LLC (0xFCEE
static var vencer: BluetoothUUID { get }
Vencer Co., Ltd (0xFEB6
static var verkada: BluetoothUUID { get }
Verkada Inc. (0xFD3A
static var verkada2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Verkada Inc. (0xFD3B
static var vitaltechAffiliates: BluetoothUUID { get }
VitalTech Affiliates LLC (0xFD9F
static var volkswagen: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volkswagen AG (0xFE30
static var volkswagen2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volkswagen AG (0xFE31
static var volkswagen23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volkswagen AG (0xFE4C
static var volvoCar: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volvo Car Corporation (0xFD57
static var volvoCar2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volvo Car Corporation (0xFD58
static var weberStephenProducts: BluetoothUUID { get }
Weber-Stephen Products LLC (0xFC76
static var wicentric: BluetoothUUID { get }
Wicentric, Inc. (0xFEF6
static var wiliot: BluetoothUUID { get }
Wiliot LTD. (0xFC90
static var wiliot2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Wiliot LTD. (0xFCC6
static var wiliot23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Wiliot LTD (0xFDAF
static var wisilica: BluetoothUUID { get }
WiSilica Inc. (0xFEB4
static var wisilica2: BluetoothUUID { get }
WiSilica Inc. (0xFEB5
static var withings: BluetoothUUID { get }
Withings (0xFD77
static var withings2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Withings (0xFD78
static var withings23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Withings (0xFD79
static var withings234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Withings (0xFD7A
static var woanTechnologyShenzhen: BluetoothUUID { get }
Woan Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (0xFD3D
static var workaround: BluetoothUUID { get }
Workaround Gmbh (0xFCED
static var wwznInformationTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
WWZN Information Technology Company Limited (0xFDA6
static var wwznInformationTechnology2: BluetoothUUID { get }
WWZN Information Technology Company Limited (0xFDA7
static var wyzeLabs: BluetoothUUID { get }
static var xiaomi: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFC66
static var xiaomi2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFC75
static var xiaomi23: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFCC0
static var xiaomi234: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFD2D
static var xiaomi2345: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFDAA
static var xiaomi23456: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFDAB
static var xiaomi234567: BluetoothUUID { get }
Xiaomi Inc. (0xFE95
static var zebraTechnologies: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zebra Technologies Corporation (0xFD66
static var zebraTechnologies2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zebra Technologies (0xFE79
static var zhejiangHuanfuTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zhejiang Huanfu Technology Co., LTD (0xFC85
static var zollMedical: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zoll Medical Corporation (0xFE22
static var zollMedical2: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zoll Medical Corporation (0xFE23
static var zoundIndustriesInternational: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zound Industries International AB (0xFCCD
static var zwift: BluetoothUUID { get }
Zwift, Inc. (0xFC82