DescriptorUUID.swift:8enum Descriptor
enum Descriptor
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
@frozen enum BluetoothUUID
Bluetooth UUID
Creates a random 128-bit Bluetooth UUID.
init?(_ string: String)
init?<Data>(data: Data) where Data : DataContainer
init?(rawValue: String)
Initialize from a UUID string (in big endian representation).
init(uuid: UUID)
Initialize from a Foundation.UUID
var bit128: BluetoothUUID { get }
Forceably convert BluetoothUUID
to UInt128
var byteSwapped: BluetoothUUID { get }
A representation of this Bluetooth UUID with the byte order swapped.
var dataLength: Int { get }
var description: String { get }
var metadata: BluetoothMetadata.BluetoothUUID? { get }
Fetch the metadata for the UUID.
var rawValue: String { get }
static func == (lhs: BluetoothUUID, rhs: BluetoothUUID) -> Bool
func append<Data>(to data: inout Data) where Data : DataContainer
enum Characteristic
enum Declaration
enum Member
enum Service
static var characteristicAggregateFormat: BluetoothUUID { get }
Characteristic Aggregate Format (0x2905
static var characteristicExtendedProperties: BluetoothUUID { get }
Characteristic Extended Properties (0x2900
static var characteristicPresentationFormat: BluetoothUUID { get }
Characteristic Presentation Format (0x2904
static var characteristicUserDescription: BluetoothUUID { get }
Characteristic User Description (0x2901
static var clientCharacteristicConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902
static var completeBrEdrTransportBlockData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Complete BR-EDR Transport Block Data (0x290F
static var environmentalSensingConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Environmental Sensing Configuration (0x290B
static var environmentalSensingMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Environmental Sensing Measurement (0x290C
static var environmentalSensingTriggerSetting: BluetoothUUID { get }
Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting (0x290D
static var externalReportReference: BluetoothUUID { get }
External Report Reference (0x2907
static var imdTriggerSetting: BluetoothUUID { get }
IMD Trigger Setting (0x2915
static var manufacturerLimits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Manufacturer Limits (0x2913
static var measurementDescription: BluetoothUUID { get }
Measurement Description (0x2912
static var numberOfDigitals: BluetoothUUID { get }
Number of Digitals (0x2909
static var observationSchedule: BluetoothUUID { get }
Observation Schedule (0x2910
static var processTolerances: BluetoothUUID { get }
Process Tolerances (0x2914
static var reportReference: BluetoothUUID { get }
Report Reference (0x2908
static var serverCharacteristicConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Server Characteristic Configuration (0x2903
static var timeTriggerSetting: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Trigger Setting (0x290E
static var validRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Valid Range (0x2906
static var validRangeAndAccuracy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Valid Range and Accuracy (0x2911
static var valueTriggerSetting: BluetoothUUID { get }
Value Trigger Setting (0x290A