CharacteristicUUID.swift:8enum Characteristic
enum Characteristic
import Bluetooth
Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
@frozen enum BluetoothUUID
Bluetooth UUID
Creates a random 128-bit Bluetooth UUID.
init?(_ string: String)
init?<Data>(data: Data) where Data : DataContainer
init?(rawValue: String)
Initialize from a UUID string (in big endian representation).
init(uuid: UUID)
Initialize from a Foundation.UUID
var bit128: BluetoothUUID { get }
Forceably convert BluetoothUUID
to UInt128
var byteSwapped: BluetoothUUID { get }
A representation of this Bluetooth UUID with the byte order swapped.
var dataLength: Int { get }
var description: String { get }
var metadata: BluetoothMetadata.BluetoothUUID? { get }
Fetch the metadata for the UUID.
var rawValue: String { get }
static func == (lhs: BluetoothUUID, rhs: BluetoothUUID) -> Bool
func append<Data>(to data: inout Data) where Data : DataContainer
enum Declaration
enum Descriptor
enum Member
enum Service
static var acceleration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Acceleration (0x2C06
static var acsControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
ACS Control Point (0x2B33
static var acsDataIn: BluetoothUUID { get }
ACS Data In (0x2B30
static var acsDataOutIndicate: BluetoothUUID { get }
ACS Data Out Indicate (0x2B32
static var acsDataOutNotify: BluetoothUUID { get }
ACS Data Out Notify (0x2B31
static var acsStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
ACS Status (0x2B2F
static var activePresetIndex: BluetoothUUID { get }
Active Preset Index (0x2BDC
static var activityGoal: BluetoothUUID { get }
Activity Goal (0x2B4E
static var advertisingConstantToneExtensionInterval: BluetoothUUID { get }
Advertising Constant Tone Extension Interval (0x2BB1
static var advertisingConstantToneExtensionMinimumLength: BluetoothUUID { get }
Advertising Constant Tone Extension Minimum Length (0x2BAE
static var advertisingConstantToneExtensionMinimumTransmitCount: BluetoothUUID { get }
Advertising Constant Tone Extension Minimum Transmit Count (0x2BAF
static var advertisingConstantToneExtensionPhy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Advertising Constant Tone Extension PHY (0x2BB2
static var advertisingConstantToneExtensionTransmitDuration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Advertising Constant Tone Extension Transmit Duration (0x2BB0
static var aerobicHeartRateLowerLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (0x2A7E
static var aerobicHeartRateUpperLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (0x2A84
static var aerobicThreshold: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aerobic Threshold (0x2A7F
static var age: BluetoothUUID { get }
Age (0x2A80
static var aggregate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Aggregate (0x2A5A
static var alertCategoryId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Category ID (0x2A43
static var alertCategoryIdBitMask: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Category ID Bit Mask (0x2A42
static var alertLevel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Level (0x2A06
static var alertNotificationControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Notification Control Point (0x2A44
static var alertStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Alert Status (0x2A3F
static var altitude: BluetoothUUID { get }
Altitude (0x2AB3
static var ammoniaConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ammonia Concentration (0x2BCF
static var anaerobicHeartRateLowerLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (0x2A81
static var anaerobicHeartRateUpperLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (0x2A82
static var anaerobicThreshold: BluetoothUUID { get }
Anaerobic Threshold (0x2A83
static var apSyncKeyMaterial: BluetoothUUID { get }
AP Sync Key Material (0x2BF7
static var apparentEnergy32: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apparent Energy 32 (0x2B89
static var apparentPower: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apparent Power (0x2B8A
static var apparentWindDirection: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apparent Wind Direction (0x2A73
static var apparentWindSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Apparent Wind Speed (0x2A72
static var appearance: BluetoothUUID { get }
Appearance (0x2A01
static var aseControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
ASE Control Point (0x2BC6
static var audioInputControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input Control Point (0x2B7B
static var audioInputDescription: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input Description (0x2B7C
static var audioInputState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input State (0x2B77
static var audioInputStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input Status (0x2B7A
static var audioInputType: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Input Type (0x2B79
static var audioLocation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Location (0x2B81
static var audioOutputDescription: BluetoothUUID { get }
Audio Output Description (0x2B83
static var availableAudioContexts: BluetoothUUID { get }
Available Audio Contexts (0x2BCD
static var averageCurrent: BluetoothUUID { get }
Average Current (0x2AE0
static var averageVoltage: BluetoothUUID { get }
Average Voltage (0x2AE1
static var barometricPressureTrend: BluetoothUUID { get }
Barometric Pressure Trend (0x2AA3
static var batteryCriticalStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Critical Status (0x2BE9
static var batteryEnergyStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Energy Status (0x2BF0
static var batteryHealthInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Health Information (0x2BEB
static var batteryHealthStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Health Status (0x2BEA
static var batteryInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Information (0x2BEC
static var batteryLevel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Level (0x2A19
static var batteryLevelStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Level Status (0x2BED
static var batteryTimeStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Battery Time Status (0x2BEE
static var bearerListCurrentCalls: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer List Current Calls (0x2BB9
static var bearerProviderName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer Provider Name (0x2BB3
static var bearerSignalStrength: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer Signal Strength (0x2BB7
static var bearerSignalStrengthReportingInterval: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer Signal Strength Reporting Interval (0x2BB8
static var bearerTechnology: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer Technology (0x2BB5
static var bearerUci: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer UCI (0x2BB4
static var bearerUriSchemesSupportedList: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bearer URI Schemes Supported List (0x2BB6
static var bgrFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
BGR Features (0x2C04
static var bgsFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
BGS Features (0x2C03
static var bloodPressureFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blood Pressure Feature (0x2A49
static var bloodPressureMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blood Pressure Measurement (0x2A35
static var bloodPressureRecord: BluetoothUUID { get }
Blood Pressure Record (0x2B36
static var bluetoothSigData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bluetooth SIG Data (0x2B39
static var bodyCompositionFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Body Composition Feature (0x2A9B
static var bodyCompositionMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Body Composition Measurement (0x2A9C
static var bodySensorLocation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Body Sensor Location (0x2A38
static var bondManagementControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bond Management Control Point (0x2AA4
static var bondManagementFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Bond Management Feature (0x2AA5
static var boolean: BluetoothUUID { get }
Boolean (0x2AE2
static var bootKeyboardInputReport: BluetoothUUID { get }
Boot Keyboard Input Report (0x2A22
static var bootKeyboardOutputReport: BluetoothUUID { get }
Boot Keyboard Output Report (0x2A32
static var bootMouseInputReport: BluetoothUUID { get }
Boot Mouse Input Report (0x2A33
static var brEdrHandoverData: BluetoothUUID { get }
BR-EDR Handover Data (0x2B38
static var broadcastAudioScanControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point (0x2BC7
static var broadcastReceiveState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Broadcast Receive State (0x2BC8
static var bssControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
BSS Control Point (0x2B2B
static var bssResponse: BluetoothUUID { get }
BSS Response (0x2B2C
static var callControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Call Control Point (0x2BBE
static var callControlPointOptionalOpcodes: BluetoothUUID { get }
Call Control Point Optional Opcodes (0x2BBF
static var callFriendlyName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Call Friendly Name (0x2BC2
static var callState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Call State (0x2BBD
static var caloricIntake: BluetoothUUID { get }
Caloric Intake (0x2B50
static var carbonMonoxideConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Carbon Monoxide Concentration (0x2BD0
static var cardiorespiratoryActivityInstantaneousData: BluetoothUUID { get }
CardioRespiratory Activity Instantaneous Data (0x2B3E
static var cardiorespiratoryActivitySummaryData: BluetoothUUID { get }
CardioRespiratory Activity Summary Data (0x2B3F
static var centralAddressResolution: BluetoothUUID { get }
Central Address Resolution (0x2AA6
static var cgmFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Feature (0x2AA8
static var cgmMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Measurement (0x2AA7
static var cgmSessionRunTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Session Run Time (0x2AAB
static var cgmSessionStartTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Session Start Time (0x2AAA
static var cgmSpecificOpsControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Specific Ops Control Point (0x2AAC
static var cgmStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
CGM Status (0x2AA9
static var chromaticDistanceFromPlanckian: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chromatic Distance from Planckian (0x2AE3
static var chromaticityCoordinate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chromaticity Coordinate (0x2B1C
static var chromaticityCoordinates: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chromaticity Coordinates (0x2AE4
static var chromaticityInCctAndDuvValues: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chromaticity in CCT and Duv Values (0x2AE5
static var chromaticityTolerance: BluetoothUUID { get }
Chromaticity Tolerance (0x2AE6
static var cie1331995ColorRenderingIndex: BluetoothUUID { get }
CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index (0x2AE7
static var clientSupportedFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
Client Supported Features (0x2B29
static var coTextsubscript2Concentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
CO\textsubscript{2} Concentration (0x2B8C
static var coefficient: BluetoothUUID { get }
Coefficient (0x2AE8
static var constantToneExtensionEnable: BluetoothUUID { get }
Constant Tone Extension Enable (0x2BAD
static var contentControlId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Content Control ID (0x2BBA
static var coordinatedSetSize: BluetoothUUID { get }
Coordinated Set Size (0x2B85
static var correlatedColorTemperature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Correlated Color Temperature (0x2AE9
static var cosineOfAngle: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cosine of the Angle (0x2B8D
static var count16: BluetoothUUID { get }
Count 16 (0x2AEA
static var count24: BluetoothUUID { get }
Count 24 (0x2AEB
static var countryCode: BluetoothUUID { get }
Country Code (0x2AEC
static var crossTrainerData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cross Trainer Data (0x2ACE
static var cscFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
CSC Feature (0x2A5C
static var cscMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
CSC Measurement (0x2A5B
static var currentElapsedTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Elapsed Time (0x2BF2
static var currentGroupObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Group Object ID (0x2BA0
static var currentTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Time (0x2A2B
static var currentTrackObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Track Object ID (0x2B9D
static var currentTrackSegmentsObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Current Track Segments Object ID (0x2B9C
static var cyclingPowerControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Power Control Point (0x2A66
static var cyclingPowerFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Power Feature (0x2A65
static var cyclingPowerMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Power Measurement (0x2A63
static var cyclingPowerVector: BluetoothUUID { get }
Cycling Power Vector (0x2A64
static var databaseChangerement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Database Change Increment (0x2A99
static var databaseHash: BluetoothUUID { get }
Database Hash (0x2B2A
static var dateOfBirth: BluetoothUUID { get }
Date of Birth (0x2A85
static var dateOfThresholdAssessment: BluetoothUUID { get }
Date of Threshold Assessment (0x2A86
static var dateTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Date Time (0x2A08
static var dateUtc: BluetoothUUID { get }
Date UTC (0x2AED
static var dayDateTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Day Date Time (0x2A0A
static var dayOfWeek: BluetoothUUID { get }
Day of Week (0x2A09
static var descriptorValueChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
Descriptor Value Changed (0x2A7D
static var deviceName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Name (0x2A00
static var deviceTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Time (0x2B90
static var deviceTimeControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Time Control Point (0x2B91
static var deviceTimeFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Time Feature (0x2B8E
static var deviceTimeParameters: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Time Parameters (0x2B8F
static var deviceWearingPosition: BluetoothUUID { get }
Device Wearing Position (0x2B4B
static var dewPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Dew Point (0x2A7B
static var dstOffset: BluetoothUUID { get }
DST Offset (0x2A0D
static var electricCurrent: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electric Current (0x2AEE
static var electricCurrentRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electric Current Range (0x2AEF
static var electricCurrentSpecification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electric Current Specification (0x2AF0
static var electricCurrentStatistics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Electric Current Statistics (0x2AF1
static var elevation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Elevation (0x2A6C
static var emailAddress: BluetoothUUID { get }
Email Address (0x2A87
static var emergencyId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emergency ID (0x2B2D
static var emergencyText: BluetoothUUID { get }
Emergency Text (0x2B2E
static var encryptedDataKeyMaterial: BluetoothUUID { get }
Encrypted Data Key Material (0x2B88
static var energy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Energy (0x2AF2
static var energy32: BluetoothUUID { get }
Energy 32 (0x2BA8
static var energyInAPeriodOfDay: BluetoothUUID { get }
Energy in a Period of Day (0x2AF3
static var enhancedBloodPressureMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Enhanced Blood Pressure Measurement (0x2B34
static var enhancedIntermediateCuffPressure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Enhanced Intermediate Cuff Pressure (0x2B35
static var eslAddress: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Address (0x2BF6
static var eslControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Control Point (0x2BFE
static var eslCurrentAbsoluteTime: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Current Absolute Time (0x2BF9
static var eslDisplayInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Display Information (0x2BFA
static var eslImageInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Image Information (0x2BFB
static var eslLedInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL LED Information (0x2BFD
static var eslResponseKeyMaterial: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Response Key Material (0x2BF8
static var eslSensorInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
ESL Sensor Information (0x2BFC
static var estimatedServiceDate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Estimated Service Date (0x2BEF
static var eventStatistics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Event Statistics (0x2AF4
static var exactTime256: BluetoothUUID { get }
Exact Time 256 (0x2A0C
static var fatBurnHeartRateLowerLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit (0x2A88
static var fatBurnHeartRateUpperLimit: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit (0x2A89
static var firmwareRevisionString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Firmware Revision String (0x2A26
static var firstName: BluetoothUUID { get }
First Name (0x2A8A
static var firstUseDate: BluetoothUUID { get }
First Use Date (0x2C0E
static var fitnessMachineControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fitness Machine Control Point (0x2AD9
static var fitnessMachineFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fitness Machine Feature (0x2ACC
static var fitnessMachineStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fitness Machine Status (0x2ADA
static var fiveZoneHeartRateLimits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Five Zone Heart Rate Limits (0x2A8B
static var fixedString16: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fixed String 16 (0x2AF5
static var fixedString24: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fixed String 24 (0x2AF6
static var fixedString36: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fixed String 36 (0x2AF7
static var fixedString64: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fixed String 64 (0x2BDE
static var fixedString8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Fixed String 8 (0x2AF8
static var floorNumber: BluetoothUUID { get }
Floor Number (0x2AB2
static var force: BluetoothUUID { get }
Force (0x2C07
static var fourZoneHeartRateLimits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Four Zone Heart Rate Limits (0x2B4C
static var gainSettingsAttribute: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gain Settings Attribute (0x2B78
static var gender: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gender (0x2A8C
static var generalActivityInstantaneousData: BluetoothUUID { get }
General Activity Instantaneous Data (0x2B3C
static var generalActivitySummaryData: BluetoothUUID { get }
General Activity Summary Data (0x2B3D
static var genericLevel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Generic Level (0x2AF9
static var ghsControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
GHS Control Point (0x2BF4
static var globalTradeItemNumber: BluetoothUUID { get }
Global Trade Item Number (0x2AFA
static var glucoseFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Glucose Feature (0x2A51
static var glucoseMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Glucose Measurement (0x2A18
static var glucoseMeasurementContext: BluetoothUUID { get }
Glucose Measurement Context (0x2A34
static var gmapRole: BluetoothUUID { get }
GMAP Role (0x2C00
static var gustFactor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Gust Factor (0x2A74
static var handedness: BluetoothUUID { get }
Handedness (0x2B4A
static var hardwareRevisionString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hardware Revision String (0x2A27
static var healthSensorFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
Health Sensor Features (0x2BF3
static var hearingAidFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hearing Aid Features (0x2BDA
static var hearingAidPresetControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hearing Aid Preset Control Point (0x2BDB
static var heartRateControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Heart Rate Control Point (0x2A39
static var heartRateMax: BluetoothUUID { get }
Heart Rate Max (0x2A8D
static var heartRateMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Heart Rate Measurement (0x2A37
static var heatIndex: BluetoothUUID { get }
Heat Index (0x2A7A
static var height: BluetoothUUID { get }
Height (0x2A8E
static var hidControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
HID Control Point (0x2A4C
static var hidInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
HID Information (0x2A4A
static var highIntensityExerciseThreshold: BluetoothUUID { get }
High Intensity Exercise Threshold (0x2B4D
static var highResolutionHeight: BluetoothUUID { get }
High Resolution Height (0x2B47
static var highTemperature: BluetoothUUID { get }
High Temperature (0x2BDF
static var highVoltage: BluetoothUUID { get }
High Voltage (0x2BE0
static var hipCircumference: BluetoothUUID { get }
Hip Circumference (0x2A8F
static var httpControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTP Control Point (0x2ABA
static var httpEntityBody: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTP Entity Body (0x2AB9
static var httpHeaders: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTP Headers (0x2AB7
static var httpStatusCode: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTP Status Code (0x2AB8
static var httpsSecurity: BluetoothUUID { get }
HTTPS Security (0x2ABB
static var humidity: BluetoothUUID { get }
Humidity (0x2A6F
static var iddAnnunciationStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Annunciation Status (0x2B22
static var iddCommandControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Command Control Point (0x2B25
static var iddCommandData: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Command Data (0x2B26
static var iddFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Features (0x2B23
static var iddHistoryData: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD History Data (0x2B28
static var iddRecordAccessControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Record Access Control Point (0x2B27
static var iddStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Status (0x2B21
static var iddStatusChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Status Changed (0x2B20
static var iddStatusReaderControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
IDD Status Reader Control Point (0x2B24
static var ieee1107320601RegulatoryCertificationDataList: BluetoothUUID { get }
IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List (0x2A2A
static var illuminance: BluetoothUUID { get }
Illuminance (0x2AFB
static var imdControl: BluetoothUUID { get }
IMD Control (0x2C12
static var imdHistoricalData: BluetoothUUID { get }
IMD Historical Data (0x2C13
static var imdStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
IMD Status (0x2C0C
static var imdsDescriptorValueChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
IMDS Descriptor Value Changed (0x2C0D
static var incomingCall: BluetoothUUID { get }
Incoming Call (0x2BC1
static var incomingCallTargetBearerUri: BluetoothUUID { get }
Incoming Call Target Bearer URI (0x2BBC
static var indoorBikeData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Indoor Bike Data (0x2AD2
static var indoorPositioningConfiguration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Indoor Positioning Configuration (0x2AAD
static var intermediateCuffPressure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intermediate Cuff Pressure (0x2A36
static var intermediateTemperature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Intermediate Temperature (0x2A1E
static var irradiance: BluetoothUUID { get }
Irradiance (0x2A77
static var language: BluetoothUUID { get }
Language (0x2AA2
static var lastName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Last Name (0x2A90
static var latitude: BluetoothUUID { get }
Latitude (0x2AAE
static var leGattSecurityLevels: BluetoothUUID { get }
LE GATT Security Levels (0x2BF5
static var length: BluetoothUUID { get }
Length (0x2C0A
static var lifeCycleData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Life Cycle Data (0x2C0F
static var lightDistribution: BluetoothUUID { get }
Light Distribution (0x2BE1
static var lightOutput: BluetoothUUID { get }
Light Output (0x2BE2
static var lightSourceType: BluetoothUUID { get }
Light Source Type (0x2BE3
static var linearPosition: BluetoothUUID { get }
Linear Position (0x2C08
static var liveHealthObservations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Live Health Observations (0x2B8B
static var lnControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
LN Control Point (0x2A6B
static var lnFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
LN Feature (0x2A6A
static var localEastCoordinate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Local East Coordinate (0x2AB1
static var localNorthCoordinate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Local North Coordinate (0x2AB0
static var localTimeInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Local Time Information (0x2A0F
static var locationAndSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Location and Speed (0x2A67
static var locationName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Location Name (0x2AB5
static var longitude: BluetoothUUID { get }
Longitude (0x2AAF
static var luminousEfficacy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Efficacy (0x2AFC
static var luminousEnergy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Energy (0x2AFD
static var luminousExposure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Exposure (0x2AFE
static var luminousFlux: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Flux (0x2AFF
static var luminousFluxRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Flux Range (0x2B00
static var luminousIntensity: BluetoothUUID { get }
Luminous Intensity (0x2B01
static var magneticDeclination: BluetoothUUID { get }
Magnetic Declination (0x2A2C
static var magneticFluxDensity2D: BluetoothUUID { get }
Magnetic Flux Density - 2D (0x2AA0
static var magneticFluxDensity3D: BluetoothUUID { get }
Magnetic Flux Density - 3D (0x2AA1
static var manufacturerNameString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Manufacturer Name String (0x2A29
static var massFlow: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mass Flow (0x2B02
static var maximumRecommendedHeartRate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Maximum Recommended Heart Rate (0x2A91
static var measurementInterval: BluetoothUUID { get }
Measurement Interval (0x2A21
static var mediaControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Control Point (0x2BA4
static var mediaControlPointOpcodesSupported: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Control Point Opcodes Supported (0x2BA5
static var mediaPlayerIconObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Player Icon Object ID (0x2B94
static var mediaPlayerIconUrl: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Player Icon URL (0x2B95
static var mediaPlayerName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media Player Name (0x2B93
static var mediaState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Media State (0x2BA3
static var meshProvisioningDataIn: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Provisioning Data In (0x2ADB
static var meshProvisioningDataOut: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Provisioning Data Out (0x2ADC
static var meshProxyDataIn: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Proxy Data In (0x2ADD
static var meshProxyDataOut: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mesh Proxy Data Out (0x2ADE
static var methaneConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Methane Concentration (0x2BD1
static var middleName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Middle Name (0x2B48
static var modelNumberString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Model Number String (0x2A24
static var mute: BluetoothUUID { get }
Mute (0x2BC3
static var navigation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Navigation (0x2A68
static var newAlert: BluetoothUUID { get }
New Alert (0x2A46
static var nextTrackObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Next Track Object ID (0x2B9E
static var nitrogenDioxideConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration (0x2BD2
static var noise: BluetoothUUID { get }
Noise (0x2BE4
static var nonMethaneVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration (0x2BD3
static var objectActionControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Action Control Point (0x2AC5
static var objectChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Changed (0x2AC8
static var objectFirstCreated: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object First-Created (0x2AC1
static var objectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object ID (0x2AC3
static var objectLastModified: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Last-Modified (0x2AC2
static var objectListControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object List Control Point (0x2AC6
static var objectListFilter: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object List Filter (0x2AC7
static var objectName: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Name (0x2ABE
static var objectProperties: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Properties (0x2AC4
static var objectSize: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Size (0x2AC0
static var objectType: BluetoothUUID { get }
Object Type (0x2ABF
static var observationScheduleChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
Observation Schedule Changed (0x2BF1
static var onDemandRangingData: BluetoothUUID { get }
On-demand Ranging Data (0x2C16
static var otsFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
OTS Feature (0x2ABD
static var ozoneConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ozone Concentration (0x2BD4
static var parentGroupObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Parent Group Object ID (0x2B9F
static var particulateMatterPm10Concentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Particulate Matter - PM10 Concentration (0x2BD7
static var particulateMatterPm1Concentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Particulate Matter - PM1 Concentration (0x2BD5
static var particulateMatterPm25Concentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Particulate Matter - PM2.5 Concentration (0x2BD6
static var perceivedLightness: BluetoothUUID { get }
Perceived Lightness (0x2B03
static var percentage8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Percentage 8 (0x2B04
static var percentage8Steps: BluetoothUUID { get }
Percentage 8 Steps (0x2C05
static var peripheralPreferredConnectionParameters: BluetoothUUID { get }
Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (0x2A04
static var peripheralPrivacyFlag: BluetoothUUID { get }
Peripheral Privacy Flag (0x2A02
static var physicalActivityCurrentSession: BluetoothUUID { get }
Physical Activity Current Session (0x2B44
static var physicalActivityMonitorControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Physical Activity Monitor Control Point (0x2B43
static var physicalActivityMonitorFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
Physical Activity Monitor Features (0x2B3B
static var physicalActivitySessionDescriptor: BluetoothUUID { get }
Physical Activity Session Descriptor (0x2B45
static var playbackSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Playback Speed (0x2B9A
static var playingOrder: BluetoothUUID { get }
Playing Order (0x2BA1
static var playingOrdersSupported: BluetoothUUID { get }
Playing Orders Supported (0x2BA2
static var plxContinuousMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
PLX Continuous Measurement (0x2A5F
static var plxFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
PLX Features (0x2A60
static var plxSpotCheckMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
PLX Spot-Check Measurement (0x2A5E
static var pnpId: BluetoothUUID { get }
PnP ID (0x2A50
static var pollenConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pollen Concentration (0x2A75
static var positionQuality: BluetoothUUID { get }
Position Quality (0x2A69
static var power: BluetoothUUID { get }
Power (0x2B05
static var powerSpecification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Power Specification (0x2B06
static var preferredUnits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Preferred Units (0x2B46
static var pressure: BluetoothUUID { get }
Pressure (0x2A6D
static var protocolMode: BluetoothUUID { get }
Protocol Mode (0x2A4E
static var rainfall: BluetoothUUID { get }
Rainfall (0x2A78
static var rangingDataOverwritten: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ranging Data Overwritten (0x2C19
static var rangingDataReady: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ranging Data Ready (0x2C18
static var rasControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
RAS Control Point (0x2C17
static var rasFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
RAS Features (0x2C14
static var rcFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
RC Feature (0x2B1D
static var rcSettings: BluetoothUUID { get }
RC Settings (0x2B1E
static var realTimeRangingData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Real-time Ranging Data (0x2C15
static var reconnectionAddress: BluetoothUUID { get }
Reconnection Address (0x2A03
static var reconnectionConfigurationControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Reconnection Configuration Control Point (0x2B1F
static var recordAccessControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Record Access Control Point (0x2A52
static var referenceTimeInformation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Reference Time Information (0x2A14
static var registeredUser: BluetoothUUID { get }
Registered User (0x2B37
static var relativeRuntimeInACorrelatedColorTemperatureRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Runtime in a Correlated Color Temperature Range (0x2BE5
static var relativeRuntimeInACurrentRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Runtime in a Current Range (0x2B07
static var relativeRuntimeInAGenericLevelRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Runtime in a Generic Level Range (0x2B08
static var relativeValueInAPeriodOfDay: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Value in a Period of Day (0x2B0B
static var relativeValueInATemperatureRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Value in a Temperature Range (0x2B0C
static var relativeValueInAVoltageRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Value in a Voltage Range (0x2B09
static var relativeValueInAnIlluminanceRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Relative Value in an Illuminance Range (0x2B0A
static var report: BluetoothUUID { get }
Report (0x2A4D
static var reportMap: BluetoothUUID { get }
Report Map (0x2A4B
static var resolvableAddressOnly: BluetoothUUID { get }
Resolvable Private Address Only (0x2AC9
static var restingHeartRate: BluetoothUUID { get }
Resting Heart Rate (0x2A92
static var ringerControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ringer Control Point (0x2A40
static var ringerSetting: BluetoothUUID { get }
Ringer Setting (0x2A41
static var rotationalSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Rotational Speed (0x2C09
static var rowerData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Rower Data (0x2AD1
static var rscFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
RSC Feature (0x2A54
static var rscMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
RSC Measurement (0x2A53
static var scControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
SC Control Point (0x2A55
static var scanIntervalWindow: BluetoothUUID { get }
Scan Interval Window (0x2A4F
static var scanRefresh: BluetoothUUID { get }
Scan Refresh (0x2A31
static var searchControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Search Control Point (0x2BA7
static var searchResultsObjectId: BluetoothUUID { get }
Search Results Object ID (0x2BA6
static var sedentaryIntervalNotification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sedentary Interval Notification (0x2B4F
static var seekingSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
Seeking Speed (0x2B9B
static var sensorLocation: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sensor Location (0x2A5D
static var serialNumberString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Serial Number String (0x2A25
static var serverSupportedFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
Server Supported Features (0x2B3A
static var serviceChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
Service Changed (0x2A05
static var serviceCycleData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Service Cycle Data (0x2C11
static var setIdentityResolvingKey: BluetoothUUID { get }
Set Identity Resolving Key (0x2B84
static var setMemberLock: BluetoothUUID { get }
Set Member Lock (0x2B86
static var setMemberRank: BluetoothUUID { get }
Set Member Rank (0x2B87
static var sinkAudioLocations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sink Audio Locations (0x2BCA
static var sinkPac: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sink PAC (0x2BC9
static var sinke: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sink ASE (0x2BC4
static var sleepActivityInstantaneousData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sleep Activity Instantaneous Data (0x2B41
static var sleepActivitySummaryData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sleep Activity Summary Data (0x2B42
static var softwareRevisionString: BluetoothUUID { get }
Software Revision String (0x2A28
static var sourceAudioLocations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Source Audio Locations (0x2BCC
static var sourcePac: BluetoothUUID { get }
Source PAC (0x2BCB
static var sourcee: BluetoothUUID { get }
Source ASE (0x2BC5
static var sportTypeForAerobicAndAnaerobicThresholds: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds (0x2A93
static var stairClimberData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Stair Climber Data (0x2AD0
static var statusFlags: BluetoothUUID { get }
Status Flags (0x2BBB
static var stepClimberData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Step Climber Data (0x2ACF
static var stepCounterActivitySummaryData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Step Counter Activity Summary Data (0x2B40
static var storedHealthObservations: BluetoothUUID { get }
Stored Health Observations (0x2BDD
static var strideLength: BluetoothUUID { get }
Stride Length (0x2B49
static var sulfurDioxideConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sulfur Dioxide Concentration (0x2BD8
static var sulfurHexafluorideConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Sulfur Hexafluoride Concentration (0x2BD9
static var supportedAudioContexts: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Audio Contexts (0x2BCE
static var supportedHeartRateRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Heart Rate Range (0x2AD7
static var supportedNewAlertCategory: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported New Alert Category (0x2A47
static var supportedPowerRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Power Range (0x2AD8
static var supportedResistanceLevelRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Resistance Level Range (0x2AD6
static var supportedSpeedRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Speed Range (0x2AD4
static var supportedUnreadAlertCategory: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Unread Alert Category (0x2A48
static var supportedlinationRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Supported Inclination Range (0x2AD5
static var systemId: BluetoothUUID { get }
System ID (0x2A23
static var tdsControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
TDS Control Point (0x2ABC
static var temperature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature (0x2A6E
static var temperature8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature 8 (0x2B0D
static var temperature8InAPeriodOfDay: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature 8 in a Period of Day (0x2B0E
static var temperature8Statistics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature 8 Statistics (0x2B0F
static var temperatureMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature Measurement (0x2A1C
static var temperatureRange: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature Range (0x2B10
static var temperatureStatistics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature Statistics (0x2B11
static var temperatureType: BluetoothUUID { get }
Temperature Type (0x2A1D
static var terminationReason: BluetoothUUID { get }
Termination Reason (0x2BC0
static var threeZoneHeartRateLimits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Three Zone Heart Rate Limits (0x2A94
static var timeAccuracy: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Accuracy (0x2A12
static var timeChangeLogData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Change Log Data (0x2B92
static var timeDecihour8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Decihour 8 (0x2B12
static var timeExponential8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Exponential 8 (0x2B13
static var timeHour24: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Hour 24 (0x2B14
static var timeMillisecond24: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Millisecond 24 (0x2B15
static var timeSecond16: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Second 16 (0x2B16
static var timeSecond32: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Second 32 (0x2BE6
static var timeSecond8: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Second 8 (0x2B17
static var timeSource: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Source (0x2A13
static var timeUpdateControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Update Control Point (0x2A16
static var timeUpdateState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Update State (0x2A17
static var timeWithDst: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time with DST (0x2A11
static var timeZone: BluetoothUUID { get }
Time Zone (0x2A0E
static var tmapRole: BluetoothUUID { get }
TMAP Role (0x2B51
static var torque: BluetoothUUID { get }
Torque (0x2C0B
static var trackChanged: BluetoothUUID { get }
Track Changed (0x2B96
static var trackDuration: BluetoothUUID { get }
Track Duration (0x2B98
static var trackPosition: BluetoothUUID { get }
Track Position (0x2B99
static var trackTitle: BluetoothUUID { get }
Track Title (0x2B97
static var trainingStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Training Status (0x2AD3
static var treadmillData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Treadmill Data (0x2ACD
static var trueWindDirection: BluetoothUUID { get }
True Wind Direction (0x2A71
static var trueWindSpeed: BluetoothUUID { get }
True Wind Speed (0x2A70
static var twoZoneHeartRateLimits: BluetoothUUID { get }
Two Zone Heart Rate Limits (0x2A95
static var txPowerLevel: BluetoothUUID { get }
Tx Power Level (0x2A07
static var udiForMedicalDevices: BluetoothUUID { get }
UDI for Medical Devices (0x2BFF
static var uggFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
UGG Features (0x2C01
static var ugtFeatures: BluetoothUUID { get }
UGT Features (0x2C02
static var uncertainty: BluetoothUUID { get }
Uncertainty (0x2AB4
static var unreadAlertStatus: BluetoothUUID { get }
Unread Alert Status (0x2A45
static var uri: BluetoothUUID { get }
URI (0x2AB6
static var userControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
User Control Point (0x2A9F
static var userIndex: BluetoothUUID { get }
User Index (0x2A9A
static var uvIndex: BluetoothUUID { get }
UV Index (0x2A76
static var vo2Max: BluetoothUUID { get }
VO2 Max (0x2A96
static var vocConcentration: BluetoothUUID { get }
VOC Concentration (0x2BE7
static var voltage: BluetoothUUID { get }
Voltage (0x2B18
static var voltageFrequency: BluetoothUUID { get }
Voltage Frequency (0x2BE8
static var voltageSpecification: BluetoothUUID { get }
Voltage Specification (0x2B19
static var voltageStatistics: BluetoothUUID { get }
Voltage Statistics (0x2B1A
static var volumeControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Control Point (0x2B7E
static var volumeFlags: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Flags (0x2B7F
static var volumeFlow: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Flow (0x2B1B
static var volumeOffsetControlPoint: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Offset Control Point (0x2B82
static var volumeOffsetState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume Offset State (0x2B80
static var volumeState: BluetoothUUID { get }
Volume State (0x2B7D
static var waistCircumference: BluetoothUUID { get }
Waist Circumference (0x2A97
static var weight: BluetoothUUID { get }
Weight (0x2A98
static var weightMeasurement: BluetoothUUID { get }
Weight Measurement (0x2A9D
static var weightScaleFeature: BluetoothUUID { get }
Weight Scale Feature (0x2A9E
static var windChill: BluetoothUUID { get }
Wind Chill (0x2A79
static var workCycleData: BluetoothUUID { get }
Work Cycle Data (0x2C10