Pure Swift Bluetooth Definitions.
import Bluetooth
Module information
- Declarations
- 5565
- Symbols
- 6027
import Bluetooth
let uuid128bit = BluetoothUUID(rawValue: "60F14FE2-F972-11E5-B84F-23E070D5A8C7")
let uuid16bit = BluetoothUUID(rawValue: "FEA9")
let address = BluetoothAddress(rawValue: "00:1A:7D:DA:71:13")
Bluetooth Types
struct BluetoothAddress
Bluetooth address.
enum BluetoothUUID
Bluetooth UUID
struct LowEnergyAdvertisingData
Bluetooth Low Energy Advertising Data.
struct AppleBeacon
Apple iBeacon
struct CompanyIdentifier
Company identifiers are unique numbers assigned by the Bluetooth SIG to member companies requesting one.
struct UnitIdentifier
struct ClassOfDevice
Bluetooth Class of Device
protocol L2CAPSocket
L2CAP Socket protocol.
Integer Types
struct UInt24
A 24 bit number stored according to host endianness.
struct UInt40
A 40 bit number stored according to host endianness.
struct UInt48
typealias UInt128
struct UInt256
A 256 bit number stored according to host endianness.
struct UInt512
A 512 bit number stored according to host endianness.
struct SFloat
IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT
Range of Values
struct LowEnergyScanTimeInterval
LE Scan Time Interval
struct RSSI