static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a URL user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional URL user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a user default as data.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a user default as optional data.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a date user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional date user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a string user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional string user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a boolean user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional boolean user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a double user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional double user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an integer user default.
static func appStorage(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional integer user default.
static func appStorage<Value>(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to a string user default, transforming that to a RawRepresentable
data type.
static func appStorage<Value>(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an integer user default, transforming that to a RawRepresentable
data type.
static func appStorage<Value>(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional string user default, transforming that to a RawRepresentable
data type.
static func appStorage<Value>(String, store: UserDefaults?) -> Self
Creates a shared key that can read and write to an optional integer user default, transforming that to a RawRepresentable
data type.
static func inMemory<Value>(String) -> Self
Creates a shared key for sharing data in-memory for the lifetime of an application.