Designing dependencies

Learn techniques on designing your dependencies so that they are most flexible for injecting into features and overriding for tests.


Making it possible to control your dependencies is the most important step you can take towards making your features isolatable and testable. The second most important step after that is to design your dependencies in a way that maximizes their flexibility in tests and other situations.

Protocol-based dependencies

The most popular way to design dependencies in Swift is to use protocols. For example, if your feature needs to interact with an audio player, you might design a protocol with methods for playing, stopping, and more:

protocol AudioPlayer {
  func loop(url: URL) async throws
  func play(url: URL) async throws
  func setVolume(_ volume: Float) async
  func stop() async

Then you are free to make as many conformances of this protocol as you want, such as a LiveAudioPlayer that actually interacts with AVFoundation, or a MockAudioPlayer that doesn’t play any sounds, but does suspend in order to simulate that something is playing. You could even have an UnimplementedAudioPlayer conformance that invokes reportIssue when any method is invoked:

struct LiveAudioPlayer: AudioPlayer {
  let audioEngine: AVAudioEngine
  // ...
struct MockAudioPlayer: AudioPlayer {
  // ...
struct UnimplementedAudioPlayer: AudioPlayer {
  func loop(url: URL) async throws {
    reportIssue("AudioPlayer.loop is unimplemented")
  // ...

And all of those conformances can be used to specify the live, preview and test values for the dependency:

private enum AudioPlayerKey: DependencyKey {
  static let liveValue: any AudioPlayer = LiveAudioPlayer()
  static let previewValue: any AudioPlayer = MockAudioPlayer()
  static let testValue: any AudioPlayer = UnimplementedAudioPlayer()

This style of dependencies works just fine, and if it is what you are most comfortable with then there is no need to change.

Struct-based dependencies

However, there is a small change one can make to this dependency to unlock even more power. Rather than designing the audio player as a protocol, we can use a struct with closure properties to represent the interface:

struct AudioPlayerClient {
  var loop: (_ url: URL) async throws -> Void
  var play: (_ url: URL) async throws -> Void
  var setVolume: (_ volume: Float) async -> Void
  var stop: () async -> Void

Then, rather than defining types that conform to the protocol you construct values:

extension AudioPlayerClient {
  static var live: Self {
    let audioEngine: AVAudioEngine
    return Self(/*...*/)

  static let mock = Self(/* ... */)

  static let unimplemented = Self(
    loop: { _ in reportIssue("AudioPlayerClient.loop is unimplemented") },
    // ...

Then, to register this dependency you can leverage the AudioPlayerClient struct to conform to the DependencyKey protocol. There’s no need to define a new type. In fact, you can even define the live, preview and test values directly in the conformance, all at once:

extension AudioPlayerClient: DependencyKey {
  static var liveValue: Self {
    let audioEngine: AVAudioEngine
    return Self(/* ... */)

  static let previewValue = Self(/* ... */)

  static let testValue = Self(
    loop: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.loop"),
    play: unimplemented(""),
    setVolume: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.setVolume"),
    stop: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.stop")

extension DependencyValues {
  var audioPlayer: AudioPlayerClient {
    get { self[AudioPlayerClient.self] }
    set { self[AudioPlayerClient.self] = newValue }

If you design your dependencies in this way you can pick which dependency endpoints you need in your feature. For example, if you have a feature that needs an audio player to do its job, but it only needs the play endpoint, and doesn’t need to loop, set volume or stop audio, then you can specify a dependency on just that one function:

final class FeatureModel {
  @Dependency(\ var play
  // ...

This can allow your features to better describe the minimal interface they need from dependencies, which can help a feature seem less intimidating.

You can also override the bare minimum of the dependency in tests. For example, suppose that one user flow of your feature you are testing invokes the play endpoint, but you don’t think any other endpoint will be called. Then you can write a test that overrides only that one single endpoint:

func testFeature() {
  let isPlaying = ActorIsolated(false)

  let model = withDependencies {
    $ = { _ in await isPlaying.setValue(true) }
  } operation: {

  XCTAssertEqual(isPlaying.value, true)

If this test passes you can be guaranteed that no other endpoints of the dependency are used in the user flow you are testing. If someday in the future more of the dependency is used, you will instantly get a test failure, letting you know that there is more behavior that you must assert on.

@DependencyClient macro

The library ships with a macro that can help improve the ergonomics of struct-based dependency interfaces. The macro ships as a separate library within this package because it depends on SwiftSyntax, and that increases the build times by about 20 seconds. We did not want to force everyone using this library to incur that cost, so if you want to use the macro you will need to explicitly add the DependenciesMacros product to your targets.

Once that is done you can apply the @DependencyClient macro directly to your dependency struct:

import DependenciesMacros

struct AudioPlayerClient {
  var loop: (_ url: URL) async throws -> Void
  var play: (_ url: URL) async throws -> Void
  var setVolume: (_ volume: Float) async -> Void
  var stop: () async -> Void

This does a few things for you. First, it automatically provides a default for each endpoint that simply throws an error and triggers an XCTest failure. This means you get an “unimplemented” client for free with no additional work. This allows you to simplify the testValue of your TestDependencyKey conformance like so:

 extension AudioPlayerClient: TestDependencyKey {
-  static let testValue = Self(
-    loop: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.loop"),
-    play: unimplemented(""),
-    setVolume: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.setVolume"),
-    stop: unimplemented("AudioPlayerClient.stop")
-  )
+  static let testValue = Self()

This behaves the exact same as before, but now all of the code is generated for you.

Further, when you provide argument labels to the client’s closure endpoints, the macro turns that information into methods with argument labels. This means you can invoke the play endpoint like so:

try await URL(filePath: "..."))

And finally, the macro also generates a public initializer for you with all of the client’s endpoints. One typically needs to maintain this initializer when separate the interface of the dependency from the implementation (see Separating interface and implementation for more information). But now there is no need to maintain that code as it is automatically provided for you by the macro.

See also

  • Overriding dependencies

    Learn how dependencies can be changed at runtime so that certain parts of your application can use different dependencies.

    Read More
  • Dependency lifetimes

    Learn about the lifetimes of dependencies, how to prolong the lifetime of a dependency, and how dependencies are inherited.

    Read More
  • Single entry point systems

    Learn about “single entry point” systems, and why they are best suited for this dependencies library, although it is possible to use the library with non-single entry point systems.

    Read More