Updates the current dependencies for the duration of an asynchronous operation.
@discardableResult func withDependencies<R>(isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation, _ updateValuesForOperation: (inout DependencyValues) async throws -> Void, operation: () async throws -> R) async rethrows -> R
- updateValuesForOperation
A closure for updating the current dependency values for the duration of the operation.
- operation
An operation to perform wherein dependencies have been overridden.
The result returned from operation
Any mutations made to DependencyValues
inside updateValuesForOperation
will be visible to everything executed in the operation. For example, if you wanted to force the date
dependency to be a particular date, you can do:
await withDependencies {
$0.date.now = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234567890)
} operation: {
// References to date in here are pinned to 1234567890.