
Defines and implements conformance of the CasePathable protocol.
@attached(extension, conformances: CasePathable, CasePathIterable) @attached(member, names: named(AllCasePaths), named(allCasePaths), named(_$Element)) macro CasePathable()

This macro conforms the type to the CasePathable protocol, and adds CaseKeyPath support for all its cases.

For example, the following code applies the CasePathable macro to the type UserAction:

enum UserAction {
  case home(HomeAction)
  case settings(SettingsAction)

This macro application extends the type with the ability to derive case key paths from each of its cases using a familiar key path expression:

// Case key paths can be inferred using the same name as the case:
_: CaseKeyPath<UserAction, HomeAction> = \.home
_: CaseKeyPath<UserAction, SettingsAction> = \.settings

// Or they can be fully qualified under the type's `Cases`:
\UserAction.Cases.home      // CasePath<UserAction, HomeAction>
\UserAction.Cases.settings  // CasePath<UserAction, SettingsAction>

Further reading

See the CasePathsCore module for the CasePathable protocol and other core library types.