static var serviceName: String { get }
s12TestMessages0A15ServiceEndpointC11serviceNameSSvpZWhat are these?
FNV24: [5RHQ2]
typealias ActorSystem
typealias SerializationRequirement
init(TestableService, in: ActorSystem) throws
func doNothing() async throws
func getMonster() async throws -> Monster
func handleConnectionState(ConnectionState) async throws
func handleMonsters(array: [Monster]) async throws
func openStream(byRequest: OpenRequest) async throws
import TestMessages
distributed actor TestServiceEndpoint
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(_ service: TestableService, in actorSystem: ActorSystem) throws
distributed func doNothing() async throws
distributed func getMonster() async throws -> Monster
distributed func handleConnectionState(_ state: ConnectionState) async throws
distributed func handleMonsters(array monsters: [Monster]) async throws
distributed func openStream(byRequest request: OpenRequest) async throws
typealias ActorSystem = DistributedSystem
typealias SerializationRequirement = Transferable