TestMessages.swift:35struct OpenRequest
Citizens in TestMessages
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Deserializable
Defines protocol used to deserialize distributed function call arguments or result type Important: Protocol requirements is subject to change, API compatibility is not guaranteed at this moment of time
protocol Serializable
Defines protocol used to serialize distributed function call arguments or result type Important: Protocol requirements is subject to change, API compatibility is not guaranteed at this moment of time Note: In future we plan to extend this protocol and provide an argument - a buffer for serialization of the object in place
protocol Transferable
Combine Serializable & Deserializable protocols
Type members
) init(_OpenRequestStruct
) init(fromSerializedBuffer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer
) throws static func openRequest(_OpenRequestBuffer
) -> OpenRequest static func openRequest(_OpenRequestStruct
) -> OpenRequest
Instance members
var clientIdentifier: ClientIdentifier?
var description: String
var id: RequestIdentifier
var requestIdentifier: RequestIdentifier
func withUnsafeBytesSerialization<Result>((UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result