DistributedSystem.swift:94class DistributedSystem
Citizens in DistributedSystem
protocol DistributedActorSystem
A distributed actor system underpins and implements all functionality of distributed actors.
protocol Sendable
A type whose values can safely be passed across concurrency domains by copying.
typealias ActorID
typealias InvocationDecoder
typealias InvocationEncoder
typealias ResultHandler
typealias SerializationRequirement
typealias ServiceFactory
typealias ServiceFilter
Type members
init(name: String, addressTag: String?, compressionMode: CompressionMode, logLevel: Logger.Level
) init(systemName: String, addressTag: String?, compressionMode: CompressionMode, logLevel: Logger.Level
Instance members
let consulServiceDiscovery: ConsulServiceDiscovery
var logger: Logger
var loggerBox: Box<Logger>
let systemName: String
func actorReady<Actor>(Actor
) func assignID<Actor>(Actor.Type
) -> EndpointIdentifier func connectToService<S, C>(S.Type, withFilter: @escaping ServiceFilter, clientFactory: ((DistributedSystem) -> C)?, serviceHandler: ((S, ConsulServiceDiscovery.Instance) -> Void)?, deadline: DispatchTime?
) async throws -> S To be used to connect to a single service of the particular type. Function returns the service endpoint instance after connection to service is established and service endpoint is ready for use.
func connectToService<S>(S.Type, withFilter: @escaping ServiceFilter, serviceHandler: ((S, ConsulServiceDiscovery.Instance) -> Void)?, deadline: DispatchTime?
) async throws -> S To be used to connect to a single service of the particular type. Function returns the service endpoint instance after connection to service is established and service endpoint is ready for use.
func connectToServices<S, C>(S.Type, withFilter: @escaping ServiceFilter, clientFactory: ((DistributedSystem, ConsulServiceDiscovery.Instance) -> C)?, serviceHandler: @escaping (S, ConsulServiceDiscovery.Instance) -> Void, cancellationToken: CancellationToken?
) -> Bool To be used to connect to multiple services of the same type. Service will be discovered with using a discovery system (consul by default).
func getBytesSent(
) async throws -> UInt64 func makeCancellationToken(
) -> CancellationToken func makeInvocationEncoder(
) -> RemoteCallEncoder func remoteCall<Actor, Err, Res>(on: Actor, target: RemoteCallTarget, invocation: inout InvocationEncoder, throwing: Err.Type, returning: Res.Type
) async throws -> Res func remoteCallVoid<Actor, Err>(on: Actor, target: RemoteCallTarget, invocation: inout InvocationEncoder, throwing: Err.Type
) async throws func resignID(EndpointIdentifier
) func resolve<Actor>(id: EndpointIdentifier, as: Actor.Type
) throws -> Actor? func start(
) throws Service lifecycle start
func stop(
) Service lifecycle stop
Instance features
func executeDistributedTarget<Act>(on: Act, target: RemoteCallTarget, invocationDecoder: inout Self.InvocationDecoder, handler: Self.ResultHandler
) async throws Prepare and execute a call to the distributed function identified by the passed arguments, on the passed
, and collect its results using theResultHandler