Enumeration Casepackage-benchmark 1.27.2Benchmark
CPU total time spent for running the test (system + user)
BenchmarkMetric.swift:23case cpuTotal
See also
case wallClock
Wall clock time for running the test
case mallocCountTotal
Number of small+large mallocs
case throughput
Operations / second,
case peakMemoryResident
Measure resident memory usage - sampled during runtime
case memoryLeaked
Number of small+large mallocs - small+large frees in resident memory
case allocatedResidentMemory
The amount of allocated resident memory according to the memory allocator by the application (does not include metadata overhead etc)
case instructions
The number instructions executed
Other cases
case cpuUser
CPU user space time spent for running the test
case cpuSystem
CPU system time spent for running the test
case peakMemoryResidentDelta
Measure resident memory usage - sampled during runtime (subtracting start of benchmark baseline resident amount)
case peakMemoryVirtual
Measure virtual memory usage - sampled during runtime
case mallocCountSmall
Number of small malloc calls
case mallocCountLarge
Number of large malloc calls
case syscalls
Measure number of syscalls made during the test
case contextSwitches
Measure number of context switches made during the test
case threads
Sample the maximum number of threads in the process under the test (not exact)
case threadsRunning
Sample the maximum number of threads actually running under the test (not exact)
case readSyscalls
The number of I/O read syscalls performed e.g. read(2) / pread(2) – Linux only
case writeSyscalls
The number of I/O write syscalls performed e.g. write(2) / pwrite(2) – Linux only
case readBytesLogical
The number of bytes read from storage (but may be satisfied by pagecache!) – Linux only
case writeBytesLogical
The number bytes written to storage (but may be cached) – Linux only
case readBytesPhysical
The number of bytes physically read from a block device (i.e. disk) – Linux only
case writeBytesPhysical
The number of bytes physicall written to a block device (i.e. disk) – Linux only
case objectAllocCount
Number of object allocations (implicit retain of one) (ARC)
case retainCount
Number of retains (ARC)
case releaseCount
Number of releases (ARC)
case retainReleaseDelta
ABS(retains-releases) - if this is non-zero, it would typically mean the benchmark has a retain cycle (use Memory Graph Debugger to troubleshoot) or that startMeasurement/stopMeasurement aren’t used properly
case custom(String, polarity: Polarity, useScalingFactor: Bool)
Custom metric
case delta
Used internally as placeholders for formatting deltas in an easy way, please don’t use
case deltaPercentage