Instance 0.8.0Citadel
Closes the SSH Server, stopping new connections from coming in.
Server.swift:209func close() async throws
Other members in extension
Type members
static func host(host: String, port: Int, hostKeys: [NIOSSHPrivateKey], algorithms: SSHAlgorithms, protocolOptions: Set<SSHProtocolOption>, logger: Logger, authenticationDelegate: NIOSSHServerUserAuthenticationDelegate, group: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup
) async throws -> SSHServer Starts a new SSH Server on the specified host and port.
Instance members
var closeFuture: EventLoopFuture<Void>
func enableDirectTCPIP(withDelegate: DirectTCPIPDelegate
) func enableExec(withDelegate: ExecDelegate
) Enables Exec for SSH session targetting this SSH Server. Once Exec is enabled, the SSH session can be used to execute commands.
func enableSFTP(withDelegate: SFTPDelegate
) Enables SFTP for SSH session targetting this SSH Server. Once SFTP is enabled, the SSH session can be used to send and receive files.
func enableShell(withDelegate: ShellDelegate