A POSIX thread priority voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand
A POSIX thread priority voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand
What are these?4EBND
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
protocol VoucherAttributeRecipeCommand : NamedOptionEnum where Self.RawValue == UInt32
A voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherBaseAttributeRecipeCommand
A base voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherImportanceAttributeRecipeCommand
An importance voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherATMAttributeRecipeCommand
An ATM voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherBankAttributeRecipeCommand
A bank voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherUserDataAttributeRecipeCommand
A user data voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherOtherAttributeRecipeCommand
A voucher attribute recipe command that cannot be represented by a known command.
static func call(_ call: @autoclosure () -> kern_return_t) throws
Calls the kernel and throws an error if the call fails.
static func callWithCountIn<ArrayElement>(array: [ArrayElement], _ call: CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call with an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountIn<ArrayElement, DataType>(value: DataType, _ call: CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call with a value expressed as an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountInOut<ArrayElement>(count: inout mach_msg_type_number_t, _ call: CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> [ArrayElement] where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count and returns the result.
static func callWithCountInOut<ArrayElement, DataType>(type: DataType.Type, _ call: CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> DataType where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count and returns the result.
static func callWithCountOut<ArrayElement>(element: ArrayElement.Type, _ call: CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> [ArrayElement] where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountOut<ArrayElement, DataType>(type: DataType.Type, _ call: CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> DataType where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type.
protocol FlavoredDataGetter : Mach.PortDataOperator
A data operator that can get flavored data for a port.
protocol FlavoredDataManager : Mach.FlavoredDataGetter, Mach.FlavoredDataSetter
A data operator that can get and set flavored data for a port.
protocol FlavoredDataSetter : Mach.PortDataOperator
A data operator that can set flavored data for a port.
protocol MIGPayload : Mach.MessagePayload
A payload for a MIG message.
protocol MIGPayloadWithNDR : Mach.MIGPayload, Mach.TrivialMessagePayload
A payload for a MIG message containing an NDR record.
protocol MessageDescriptor
A descriptor for a message body.
protocol MessagePayload
A message payload.
protocol MessageWithTypedPayload : Mach.Message
A message with a typed payload.
protocol PortDataOperator
A data operator that operates on flavored data for a port.
protocol PortInitializableByServiceName : Mach.Port
A port that can be initialized by looking up a service name.
protocol PortWithExceptionPorts : Mach.Port
A port representing a kernel object that can have exception ports.
protocol TaskFlavored : Mach.Task
A task (port) with a flavor.
protocol ThreadFlavored : Mach.Thread
A thread (port) with a flavor.
protocol TrivialMessagePayload : BitwiseCopyable, Mach.MessagePayload
A payload with a fixed length and trivial representation.
protocol VoucherAttributeCommand : NamedOptionEnum where Self.RawValue == UInt32
A voucher attribute command.
class Alarm
An alarm on a clock.
class BootstrapPort
A port for communicating with the bootstrap server.
class Clock
A clock.
struct ClockAttribute
A type of clock attribute.
struct ClockAttributeManager
A clock attribute manager.
class ClockControl
A clock control port.
struct ClockType
A type of clock.
class ConnectionPort
A connection port.
class DefaultExceptionMessage
A message sent when an exception occurs using the default
exception behavior.
struct ExceptionBehavior
A behavior for an exception.
struct ExceptionMask
A mask for getting or setting exception ports.
class ExceptionPort
An exception port.
struct ExceptionType
A type of exception.
class Host
A host.
struct HostDebugInfoInternal
Debug information about the host.
struct HostInfoFlavor
A flavor of host info.
struct HostInfoManager
A host info manager.
struct HostRebootOption
A reboot option.
struct HostSpecialPort
A special port for a host.
struct HostStatisticsFlavor
A flavor of host statistics.
struct HostStatisticsManager
A host statistics manager.
struct KernelObject
A kernel object underlying a port.
class MIGClient
A client for MIG requests.
class MIGError
An error from a MIG server routine.
struct MIGErrorCode
An error code from a MIG server routine.
final class MIGErrorReply
An error reply to a MIG request.
struct MIGPayloadWithOnlyNDR
A payload for a MIG message containing only an NDR record.
class MIGReply<MIGPayloadType> where MIGPayloadType : Mach.MIGPayload
A MIG reply message.
class MIGReplyPort
A reply port for a MIG request.
class MIGRequest<MIGPayloadType> where MIGPayloadType : Mach.MIGPayload
A MIG request message.
struct MemoryInfoCounterType
A type of memory counter.
struct MemoryInfoFlags
Flags for memory info.
struct MemoryInfoTag
A tag for memory info.
struct MemoryInfoType
A type of memory info.
class MemoryManager
A memory manager.
class Message
A message.
struct MessageBody
A body of message descriptors.
class MessageClient
A message client for enqueuing messages.
struct MessageDescriptorType
A descriptor type.
struct MessageHeaderBits
Configuration bits in a message header.
struct MessageOptions
Options for sending and receiving messages.
struct MessagePortGuardFlags
Flags for guarding a port in a message.
class MessageQueue
A message queue.
class MessageServer
A message server for dequeuing messages.
struct OOLDescriptorCopyOption
A copy option for out-of-line descriptors.
struct PeekedMessage
A peeked preview of a message.
class Port
A port name
in the owningTask
’s name space.
struct PortAttributeFlavor
A flavor of port attribute.
struct PortAttributeManager
A port attribute manager.
struct PortConstructFlags
Flags to use when constructing a port.
struct PortDisposition
Processing to perform on a port.
struct PortGuardFlags
Flags to guard a port with.
struct PortRight
A right to a port.
class PortSet
A port set.
class Processor
A processor in a host.
struct ProcessorBasicInfo
Basic information about a processor.
struct ProcessorInfoFlavor
A flavor of processor info.
struct ProcessorInfoManager
A processor info manager.
class ProcessorSet
A set of processors in a host.
class ProcessorSetControl
A control port for a processor set.
struct ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
struct ProcessorSetInfoManager
A processor set info manager.
struct ProcessorSetStatisticsFlavor
A flavor of processor set statistics.
struct ProcessorSetStatisticsManager
A processor set statistics manager.
class Semaphore
A semaphore.
struct SemaphorePolicy
A synchronization policy for a semaphore.
class ServicePort
A service port.
class Task
A task (port).
class TaskControl
A task’s control port.
class TaskCorpse
A corpse for a task.
struct TaskFlavor
A flavor of task (port).
class TaskIdentityToken
A task’s identity token.
struct TaskInfoFlavor
A flavor of task info.
struct TaskInfoManager
A task info manager.
class TaskInspect
A task’s inspect port.
struct TaskInspectInfoManager
A task inspect info manager.
class TaskName
A task’s name port.
struct TaskPolicyFlavor
A flavor of task policy.
struct TaskPolicyManager
A task policy manager.
class TaskRead
A task’s read port.
struct TaskSpecialPort
A special port for a task.
class TaskSuspensionToken
A task suspension token.
class Thread
A thread in a task.
class ThreadControl
A thread’s control port.
struct ThreadFlavor
A flavor of thread (port).
struct ThreadInfoFlavor
A flavor of thread info.
struct ThreadInfoManager
A thread info manager.
class ThreadInspect
A thread’s inspect port.
struct ThreadPolicyFlavor
A flavor of thread policy.
struct ThreadPolicyManager
A thread policy manager.
struct ThreadPolicyState
A thread’s policy state.
struct ThreadQoSPolicy
A thread’s QoS policy.
class ThreadRead
A thread’s read port.
struct ThreadRequestedQoSPolicy
A thread’s requested QoS policy.
struct ThreadSpecialPort
A special port for a thread.
struct ThreadStateConvertDirection
A direction for converting thread states.
struct ThreadStateFlavor
A flavor of thread state.
struct ThreadStateManager
A thread state manager.
struct ThreadSwitchOption
A thread switching option.
struct ThreadTimeConstraintWithPriorityPolicy
A thread’s time constraint policy (with a priority field).
struct TimeType
A type of time value.
class Timer
A timer.
struct TimerArmFlags
Flags for arming a timer.
struct VMAllocationFlags
Flags for allocating memory.
struct VMProtectionOptions
A protection option for virtual memory.
class Voucher
A voucher.
struct VoucherATMAction
A voucher attribute command for the atm
struct VoucherAttributeKey
A voucher attribute key.
struct VoucherAttributeRecipe
A voucher attribute recipe.
struct VoucherBankAction
A voucher attribute command for the bank
struct VoucherImportanceAction
A voucher attribute command for the importance
struct Zone
A zone.
typealias CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>, mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call expecting an array of a specified type, passing an array pointer and count.
typealias CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>, inout mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count, passing an array pointer and count.
typealias CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>?, inout mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type, passing an array pointer and count.
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol Sendable
init(name: String?, rawValue: mach_voucher_attr_recipe_command_t)
Represents a POSIX thread priority command with an optional name.
static let allCases: [`Self`]
All known POSIX thread priority commands.
static let create: Mach.VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand
static let null: Mach.VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand
let name: String?
The name of the POSIX thread priority command, if it can be determined.
let rawValue: mach_voucher_attr_recipe_command_t
The raw value of the POSIX thread priority command.
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.